Magazines from China
Especially from the Maoist (Socialist) Era
This is an index page for magazines published in China, mostly during the Mao (socialist) era. Most of the issues of the magazines listed below are in English or Chinese, but we will also post issues in other languages if we can obtain them.
If you know of other magazines which should be posted here, or if you have other comments or suggestions, please contact us at:
Magazines Available
- Advance [Jinbu]
- Beijing Review
- Beijing Study Journal
- Cheng-chih Hsueh-hsi [Political Study]
- China Insight
- China Pictorial
- China Reconstructs
- China Today
- China’s Foreign Trade
- Chinese Literature
- Dialectics of Nature
- Eastern Horizon
- Echoes From Tiananmen
- Educational Revolution Notice
- Hóngqí [Red Flag]
- Jiefangjun Bao [People’s Liberation Army Daily]
- Jinbu [Advance]
- Liaoyuan Bao [Prairie Fire Journal]
- Made In China
- Monsoon
- Morning Glow
- Outpost [Qianshao]
- Peking Review
- People’s China
- Political Study
- Prairie Fire Journal [Liaoyuan Bao]
- Qianshao [Outpost]
- Red Flag
- Social Sciences in China
- Study and Criticism
- Theory Study
- Waiguo_Wenyi
- Waiguo_Zhexue_Lishi_Jingji
- Waiguo_Ziran_Kexue_Zhexue
- Women of China
- Xuexi Yu Pipan [Study and Criticism]
- Zhaiyi (Translations into Chinese)
- Zhao Xia [Morning Glow]
- Ziran Bianzhengfa Zazhi [Dialectics of Nature]
Peking Review/Beijing Review [1958- ]
Peking Review Archive on The authoritative weekly magazine of news and opinion from the Communist Party of China and the government of the People’s Republic of China. This archive now has all of the issues for the entire 33-year period from the beginning of the journal through 1990. This includes all the issues from the entire period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. It also includes a great many of the issues from the years after Mao’s death in September 1976, which is the period of transition back to capitalism and its further development into capitalist-imperialism. In addition to the 1,759 complete issues in PDF format there are also more than 660 separate individual articles in either PDF or HTML format.
People’s China [1950-1957]
A twice-monthly magazine from the early years of the People’s Republic of China.
China Pictorial [1950- ]
A large-sized monthly magazine filled with photographs. Index Page on
China Reconstructs/China Today [1952- ]
A well-illustrated monthly magazine with many interesting articles about China. (Renamed China Today in 1990.) Index Page on
Chinese Literature [1951-2000]
Began as an English-language quarterly in October 1951, and by 1961 was a monthly magazine. Also contains many paintings by Chinese artists. Apparently ceased publication in 2000. Index Page on
Hóngqí 《红旗》 杂志 [Red Flag] [1958-1988]
The Chinese language theoretical magazine of the Communist Party of China from 1958-1988. We have posted PDF scans of almost all the issues from 1958 through 1976 at: Index Page for Hóngqí in the Maoist (Socialist) Era We also have some issues from 1982-1983 in the revisionist/capitalist era of China. These are unoffical translations into English by the U.S. government. At: Index Page for Hóngqí issues in the Revisionist Era
[Beijing Study Journal]
[Chinese language journal. No other information available.]
- 1976:
- #1 — February 25, 1976, 100 pages (but missing pages 33, 35, 43-54 and 87). Searchable PDF format [14,435 KB]
[Theory Study Journal]
Chinese language journal. [No further information is yet available.]
- 1975:
- #5:, 99 pages. PDF format [10,424 KB]
- 1976:
- #4:, 116 pages. PDF format [15,243 KB]
Cheng-chih Hsueh-hsi [Political Study]
[Chinese language journal apparently published in Peking. No other information available.]
- “Selected Translations On Rightist Opportunism in Communist China”, containing 3 separate articles from issues #19 (Oct. 12, 1959) and #20 (Oct. 27, 1959) of Political Study, 20 pages. (Note well: These translations are done by the Joint Publications Research Service of the U.S. government, and may or may not be accurate!) Searchable PDF format [1,164 KB]
Xuexi Yu Pipan [Study and Criticism] [1973-1976]
Chinese language study and discussion journal published in Shanghai from September 1973 to October 1976. It was suppressed by the capitalist-roaders after their coup d’état following Mao’s death. Index Page on
Zhao Xia [Morning Glow] [1974-1976]
A Chinese language magazine of literature and criticism from a revolutionary perspective which was published in Shanghai during the late period of the Cultural Revolution. Index Page on
[Educational Revolution Notice]
Chinese language journal. [No further information is yet available.]
- 1975:
- #1:, 66 pages, (missing page 19). PDF format [8,198 KB]
Ziran Bianzhengfa Zazhi [Dialectics of Nature]
Chinese language journal on science and philosophy. Index Page on
Zhaiyi [Several magazine series translating foreign articles and materials into Chinese]
- Waiguo Zhexue Lishi Jingji (Foreign Philosophy, History and Economy)
- Waiguo Ziran Kexue Zhexue (Foreign Natural Sciences and Philosophy)
- Waiguo Wenyi (Foreign Literature and Arts)
Some issues of these series from the socialist era are available on the Zhaiyi Index Page on
China’s Foreign Trade
Quarterly magazine promoting foreign trade, and also showing the rapid development of the Chinese economy under socialism. This prepared the basis for the huge expansion of Chinese exports even after socialism was overthrown by the capitalist-roaders led by Deng Xiaoping.
- 1975:
- #4:, 64 pages. PDF format [34,707 KB]
- Supplement 1: “Speech at the Plenary Meeting of the 7th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly”, by Li Chiang, Chairman of the Delegation of the PRC and Minister of Foreign Trade, Sept. 2, 1975, 4 pages. PDF format [785 KB]
- Supplement 2: Advertising supplement for food products, 4 pages. PDF format [1,324 KB]
Women of China
- 1979, #5, 48 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,041 KB]
Social Sciences in China [1980- ]
A quarterly journal during the capitalist era.
- 1980, March — Vol. I, #1, 236 pages. Searchable PDF format [20,842 KB]
- 1981, March — Vol. II, #1, 244 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,756 KB]
Jiefangjun Bao [People’s Liberation Army Daily]
An important Chinese language newspaper in China.
- 1979:
- 17 Articles on Political, Sociological and Military Affairs, from issues dated April 4, 1979 through May 29, 1979. Translated into English by the U.S. government Joint Publications Research Service, Sept. 23, 1981, 42 pages. PDF format [2,693 KB]
Eastern Horizon [Hong Kong: 1960-1981]
A monthly journal published in Hong Kong, but with the political line of the Communist Party of China. Index Page on
Monsoon [Hong Kong: 1978- ? ]
A monthly magazine promoting the line of the capitalist-roaders in China. The format is along the lines of China Reconstructs/China Today. So far we only have one issue.
- Vol. 3, #7 — August 1980, 53 pages. (This issue glorifies and promotes pragmatism!) Searchable PDF format [5,664 KB]
Echoes From Tiananmen [Hong Kong: 1989-1991]
A journal issued in support of the protesters who were attacked in 1989 in Tiananmen Square in Beijing by the revisionist Chinese government led by Deng Xiaoping, and also in support of the more general “Chinese Democracy Movement”. There were actually quite a variety of political views at the 1989 protest demonstration (including pro-Maoist views), but the dominant view of this Hong Kong journal, published by the Friends of Chinese Minzhu, seems to have been in support of bourgeois democracy. The magazine published lists of names of people the Chinese government executed, arrested or was still looking for. There were at least 5 issues, but we only have number 3.
- #3 — March 1990, 80 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,751 KB]
Made In China [2016- ]
An English language quarterly journal published outside of China, but focusing on the Chinese labor movement and attacks on civil liberties within China. Index Page on
China Insight [2017- ]
An English language monthly magazine published by the Central Committee of the so-called Communist Party of China, which expresses the views of the current ruling class, the national bourgeoisie of capitalist-imperialist China. Index Page on
Contemporary Foreign Commentary about China During the Maoist Era — Including Magazines
- Far East Reporter Pamphlet Series (Maud Russell)
- Anglo-Chinese Educational Institute
- Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU)
- Chinese Policy Study Group (London)
- Arts and Sciences in China [British magazine: 1963-?]
- U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association:
- Pamphlet Series
- New China magazine (1974-1979).
- Miscellaneous Foreign Commentary, articles, pamphlets, etc.
Maoist Revolutionary Publications in the Current Capitalist-Imperialist Era in China
Liaoyuan Bao [Prairie Fire Journal]
This very interesting Chinese language Maoist journal began publishing in early 2020. After publishing a number of issues it went on a hiatus for a year and a half. Then one final issue was published in August 2022.
- 2020:
- #1, Early 2020, 32 pages. PDF format [787 KB]
- #2, March 2020, 38 pages. PDF format [821 KB]
- #3, April 2020, 9 pages. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lenin. PDF format [373 KB]
- #4, May 2020, 62 pages. PDF format [1,252 KB]
- #5, June 2020, 77 pages. PDF format [2,155 KB]
List of Contents and Introduction to this issue in English: PDF format [2 pages]
Full English translation (with the assistance of Google Translate) of issue #5: PDF format [197 pages; 745 KB]; ODT format [165 pages; 565 KB]- #6, July-August 2020, 53 pages. PDF format [1,301 KB]
List of Contents and Introduction to this issue in English: PDF format [2 pages]- 2022:
- #1, August 2022, 60 pages. Final issue. PDF format [969 KB]
Jinbu 《进步》 [Advance Journal]
This is a Chinese-language Internet magazine which is published by “The New Red Commune”, which also has the following organizing and cooperating units: Spark United, The People’s Struggle Group, International Red Newsletter, and Red Literature Translations. This journal can be contacted at:
- 2020 [Volume 19]:
- June 2020, 48 pages. PDF format [2,108 KB]
List of Contents in this issue:
- Lead Article: “We Breathe Together: Refuting Various Fallacies of the George Floyd Incident”
- Arts and Literature: “The Japanese People Moving Forward”
- The World at a Glance: A Glance of World News from May to June
- “United Solidarity Expressed by Communist Parties and Worker Parties for the American People”
- “Regarding the Question of Protracted People’s Struggles in the Industrialized Capitalist Countries”
- Learn from the Past to Know the Present: “The Historical Turning Point of Bakunin: A Theoretical Critique of Bakuninism”
- The Theoretical Situation: “A Brief Discussion of the Political Economy of the Service Sector”
Qianshao 《前哨》 [Outpost Journal]
This is a Chinese-language Internet magazine which is published by “列宁格勒第三印刷厂工人理论组编辑出版”, [“The Worker Theory Group of the Third Leningrad Printing Plant”]. Its website is at: This journal can be contacted at: or
- Issue # 1, February 2022, 31 pages. PDF format [1,185 KB]
- Issue # 2, March 2022, 43 pages. PDF format [1,158 KB]
- Issue # 3, April 2022, 43 pages. PDF format [1,476 KB]
- Issue # 4, May 2022, 35 pages. PDF format [1,317 KB]
Capitalist-Imperialist China Today Page