Nagaland - National Liberation
and Revolutionary Struggles
Nagaland (or Nagalim) is a region in North East India and Myanmar (Burma). The Nagas declared their independence in 1947, one day ahead of the Union of India. However, in 1954 the Indian army invaded and forcibly annexed the area. Since that time there have been substantial wars of national liberation underway. A cease-fire was announced in 1997, but talks since then between the Naga people and the Indian government have made little progress. Moreover, severe repression by India is still occurring, with villages being burned down and civilians being killed.
News of the people’s resistance in Nagaland is very difficult to find, largely because of the suppression of such information by the Indian government. India will not even allow foreigners to visit the region to find out for themselves what is happening there. For these reasons, and in the interests of free speech, we will attempt to locate and post documents and reports here about the struggles of the Naga people.
Contact us at:
Naga International Support Center
A human rights organization, with a website at:
“Violation of Ceasefire, Violation of Human and Indigenous Rights”, NISC press statement demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Anthony Shing, head of foreign affairs of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, Oct. 5, 2010, 1 page. PDF Version (59 KB) MS Word Version (29 KB)
Other Organizations and Reports
- [To be added as they become available ...]