The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China
Publications and Documents which are Now Difficult to Find
This is an archive of all the pamphlets and other documents we can locate from the GPCR, primarily in English, but also to some extent in other languages eventually. This great revolution fortified, secured, and to some extent re-established genuine proletarian rule in China while Mao was still alive, overthrew the “capitalist roaders” within the Chinese Communist Party and within Chinese society more generally who (consciously or not) were attempting to destroy socialism and move China back to capitalism, and which made serious efforts to gradually but continually transform socialist society in the direction of communism.
The GPCR itself was originally dated from 1966-1969, and Mao envisioned the need for a whole series of periodic additional cultural revolutions of that sort occurring throughout the entire period of socialism. However, this initial GPCR was not fully consolidated, and new struggles continued to break out. Most notably, there was the campaign to Criticize Lin Biao [Lin Piao] and Confucius, and then the need for another campaign against Deng Xiaoping and his allied capitalist-roaders. These came to be viewed as extensions of the GPCR, and consequently most people today view the GPCR as having extended up until Mao’s death in September 1976. That is the way we will view things here, though we will put the campaigns against Lin and Deng in separate sections near the bottom.
As with other sections of about Maoist China, some of the documents here are written by, or promote, individuals who later became targets of the revolution themselves, including Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping. We are including them as part of our complete archive of the history of the GPCR and the entire Chinese Revolution.
These documents from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution are now suppressed in China (at least as far as mass access is concerned) and many of them are becoming very difficult to locate anywhere else in the world as well, except for those few with access to major research libraries. This is why we are posting them here on
For information about other aspects of China in the Maoist era, or about present-day capitalist-imperialist China, please see the links at the bottom of this web page. Note also that there are some documents touching on aspects of the GPCR on these other pages.
If you know of other materials which should be posted here, or if you have other comments or suggestions, please contact us at:
Basic Documents of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
- “Decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, adopted on Aug. 8, 1966, 20 pages. [This famous Circular of the Central Committee of the CCP was drawn up under Mao’s guidance and presents the 16 key points established to guide the GPCR.] PDF format [1,004 KB]
- German: “Beschluß des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas über die große proletarische Kulturrevolution”, 9 pages. PDF Format [79 KB]
- “An Epoch-Making Document — In Commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the Publication of the Circular”, May 17, 1968, 28 pages. PDF format [962 KB]
- The Great Socialist [Proletarian] Cultural Revolution Series (1966-1967):
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (1), 2nd ed. (Peking: FLP, Oct. 1966), 78 pages, PDF format [5,417 KB] Includes these articles:
- “Hold High the Great Red Banner of Mao Tse-tung’s Thought and Actively Participate in the Great Socialist Cultural Revolution”, editorial of the Liberation Army Daily [Jiefangjun Bao], April 18, 1966.
- “Never Forget the Class Struggle”, editorial of the Liberation Army Daily, May 4 1966.
- “On ‘Three-Family Village’ — The Reactionary Nature of Evening Chats at Yenshan and Notes from Three-Family Village”, by Yao Wen-yuan, May 10, 1966.
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (2), (Peking: FLP, 1966), 68 pages, PDF format [4,094 KB] Includes these articles:
- “Open Fire at the Black Anti-Party and Anti-Socialist Line!”, by Kao Chu, first published in the Liberation Army Daily, May 8, 1966.
- “Heighten Our Vigilance and Distinguish the True from the False”, by Ho Ming, first published in the Kuangming Daily, May 8, 1966.
- “Teng To’s Evening Chats at Yenshan is Anti-Party and Anti-Socialist Double-Talk”, compiled by Lin Chieh, Ma Tse-min, Yen Chang-huei, Chou Ying, Teng Wen-sheng and Chin Tien-Liang, first published in the Liberation Army Daily and the Kuangming Daily on May 8, 1966.
- “On the Bourgeois Stand of Frontline and the Peking Daily”, by Chi Pen-yu, first published in Red Flag, No. 7, 1966.
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (3), (Peking: FLP, 1966), 32 pages, PDF format [1,278 KB] Includes these articles:
- “Sweep Away All Monsters”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], June 1, 1966.
- “A Great Revolution That Touches People to Their Very Souls”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, June 2, 1966.
- “Mao Tse-tung’s Thought is the Telescope and Microscope of Our Revolutionary Cause”, editorial of Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily], June 7, 1966.
- “We are Critics of the Old World”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, June 8, 1966.
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (4), (Peking: FLP, 1966), 56 pages, PDF format [3,102 KB] Includes these articles:
- “Long Live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, editorial of Hongqi [Red Flag], No. 8, 1966.
- “Capture the Positions in the Field of Historical Studies Seized by the Bourgeoisie”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], June 3, 1966.
- “Tear Aside the Bourgeois Mask of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, June 4, 1966.
- “New Victory for Mao Tse-tung’s Thought”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, June 4, 1966.
- “To Be Proletarian Revolutionaries or Bourgeois Royalists?”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, June 5, 1966.
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (5), (Peking: FLP, 1966), 36 pages, pamphlet with just one article: “Raise High the Great Red Banner of Mao Tse-tung’s Thought and Carry the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Through to the End — Essential Points for Propaganda and Education in Connection with the Great Cultural Revolution”, editorial of Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily], June 6, 1966. PDF format [1,740 KB]
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (6), (Peking: FLP, 1966), 32 pages, PDF format [1,428 KB] Includes these articles:
- “A New Stage of the Socialist Revolution in China”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], July 17, 1966.
- “The Sunlight of the Party Illuminates the Road of the Great Cultural Revolution”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], June 24, 1966.
- “Trust the Masses, Rely on the Masses”, editorial of Hongqi [Red Flag], No. 9, 1966.
- “From the Masses, to the Masses”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], July 21, 1966.
- “Be a Pupil of the Masses Before You Become a Teacher of the Masses”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], July 29, 1966.
- The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (7), (Peking: FLP, 1967), 36 pages, PDF format [1,674 KB] Includes these articles:
- “The Programmatic Document of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, editorial of Hongqi [Red Flag], No. 10, 1966.
- “Master the Ideological Weapon of the Great Cultural Revolution”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Aug. 11, 1966.
- “Study the 16-Point Decision, Know it Well and Apply It”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Aug. 13, 1966.
- “Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Aug. 15, 1966.
- “Revolutionary Youth Should Learn from the People’s Liberation Army”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Aug. 28, 1966.
- “Hold Fast to the Main Orientation in the Struggle”, editorial of Hongqi [Red Flag], No. 12, 1966.
- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (8), (Peking: FLP, 1967), 28 pages, PDF format [1,088 KB] In French: PDF format [1,216 KB]
Includes these articles:
- “Comrade Lin Piao’s Speech at the Peking Mass Rally to Receive Revolutionary Teachers and Students From All Over China”, Nov. 3, 1966.
- “Victory for the Proletarian Revolutionary Line Represented by Chairman Mao”, editorial in Hongqi, No. 14, 1966.
- “Seize New Victories”, editorial in Hongqi, No. 15, 1966.
- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (9), (Peking: FLP, 1967), 28 pages, pamphlet with just one article: “Carry the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Through to the End”, editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] and Hongqi [Red Flag], Jan. 1, 1967. PDF format [1,483 KB]
- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (10), (Peking: FLP, 1967), 48 pages, PDF format [1,927 KB] Includes these articles:
- “Message of Greetings to Revolutionary Rebel Organizations in Shanghai from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the State Council, the Military Commission of the Party’s Central Committee and the Cultural Revolution Group Under the Party’s Central Committee”, Jan. 11, 1967.
- “Take Firm Hold of the Revolution, Promote Production and Utterly Smash the New Counterattack Launched by the Bourgeois Reactionary Line — Message to All Shanghai People”, Jan. 4, 1967.
- “Urgent Notice — From the Shanghai Workers’ Revolutionary Rebel General Headquarters and 31 Other Revolutionary Mass Organizations”, Jan. 9, 1967.
- “Telegram Saluting Chairman Mao — From the Rally Held by the Revolutionary Rebel Organizations of Shanghai and the Shanghai Liaison Centres of Revolutionary Rebel Organizations of Other Places to Celebrate the Message of Greetings of the Central Authorities and Completely Smash the New Counter-Attack by the Bourgeois Reactionary Line”, from a rally held by revolutionary organizations in Shanghai, Jan. 12, 1967.
- “Oppose Economist and Smash the Latest Counterattack by the Bourgeois Reactionary Line” — Editorial of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] and Hongqi [Red Flag], January 12, 1967.
- “Proletarian Revolutionaries, Unite”, by Commentator, Hongqi, No. 2, 1967.
Writings by the So-Called “Gang of Four”:
- Jiang Qing [Chiang Ching]:
- “On the Revolution of Peking Opera” — Speech made in July 1964 at the Forum of Theatrical Workers Participating in the Festival of Peking Opera on Contemporary Themes, by Chiang Qing, 7 pages. [From the pamphlet of the same title, (Peking: FLP, 1968).]
- “Speech by Comrade Chiang Ching — At the Rally to Inaugurate and Celebrate the Peking Municipal Revolutionary Committee”, April 20, 1967, 6 pages. [From the pamphlet “Great Victory for Chairman Mao’s Revolutionary Line — Warmly Hail the Birth of Peking Municipal Revolutionary Committee” (1967) available in its entirety in the section below.]
- Zhang Chunqiao [Chang Chun-chiao]:
- “Speech by Comrade Chang Chun-chiao on Behalf of the Delegations of the Revolutionary Committees in Four Provinces and One Municipality — At the Rally to Inaugurate and Celebrate the Peking Municipal Revolutionary Committee”, April 20, 1967, 3 pages. [From the pamphlet “Great Victory for Chairman Mao’s Revolutionary Line — Warmly Hail the Birth of Peking Municipal Revolutionary Committee” (1967) available in its entirety in the section below.] PDF Format [184 KB].
- “张春桥主任1975年3月1日在全军各大单位政治部主任座谈会上的讲话 淮阳版,按“揭批查”版加注” [“Speech at the Symposium of Directors of Political Departments of Major Units”], by Zhang Chunqiao, March 1, 1975, 21 pages. Chinese: Searchable PDF format [384 KB]
- “On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship Over the Bourgeoisie”, originally an article in the CCP theoretical journal Hongqi [Red Flag], #4, 1975. Reissued as a pamphlet (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1975). PDF Format, 34 pages [9,502 KB].
Also available in HTML format at: and and in both English and Chinese at:
Also available in German (“Über die Ausübung einer allumfassenden Diktatur über die Bourgeoisie”): German: PDF Format, 19 pages [161 KB].- “Rede an führende Kader auf Provinz- und Stadtebenen beim Besuch der Zentralen Studienklasse in Peking am 28. Juni 1976”, in German translation. German: PDF Format, 24 pages [165 KB].
- Yao Wenyuan [Yao Wen-yuan]:
- “On ‘Three-Family Village’ — The Reactionary Nature of Evening Chats at Yenshan and Notes from Three-Family Village” (May 10, 1966), 42 pages. From the pamphlet “The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (1)”, listed above. PDF Format [3,124 KB].
- “Commemorate Lu Hsun and Carry the Revolution Through to the End”, by Yao Wen-yuan, a speech on the 30th anniversary of the death of Lu Hsun, Oct. 19, 1966, 17 pages. [From the pamphlet “Commemorating Lu Hsun — Our Forerunner in the Cultural Revolution” (1967) available in its entirety in the section below.] PDF Format [907 KB].
- “On the Counter-Revolutionary Double-Dealer Chou Yang”, by Yao Wen-yuan. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 116 pages. PDF Format [2,573 KB].
- “The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership in Everything”, from Hongqi, #2, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), small pamphlet format, 16 pages. PDF Format [744 KB].
- “Comments On Tao Chu’s Two Books” (1968), 44 pages. PDF Format [2,013 KB].
- “On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique” (1975), 36 pages. PDF Format [1,318 KB].
- Wang Hongwen [Wang Hung-wen]:
- [To be added.]
Other GPCR Pamphlets and Documents:
- 1966:
- 1967:
- [Book:]“The May Upheaval in Hongkong”, by the Committee of Hongkong-Kowloon Chinese Compatriots of All Circles for the Struggle Against Persecution by the British Authorities in Hongkong, (Hongkong: 1967), 191 pages. About the extension of the Cultural Revolution to Hongkong. PDF format [11,305 KB]
- “《中共中央文件》 中发 [67] 219号” [“Recommendation of Chairman Mao to regulate the wasteful and superficial dissemination of figures and sayings of Chairman Mao as well as statue construction and associated things”], Central Committee of the CCP: Document Series 67, Number 219, July 5, 1967, 2 pages. Criticizes and regulates the excessive adoration of Mao. (Not yet available in English.) Chinese: PDF format [77 KB]; Chinese: MS Word format (.doc) [12 KB]
- “Follow Chairman Mao and Advance in the Teeth of Great Storms and Waves”, article about Mao’s famous swim in the Yangtse along with editorials from Renmin Ribao and Jiefangjun Bao, July 24-26, 1966, 28 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) PDF format [1,240 KB].
- “Forward Along the High Road of Mao Tse-tung’s Thought — In Celebration of the 17th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”, including editorials and speeches by Lin Piao and Chou En-lai on Oct. 1, 1966, 42 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) PDF format [2,031 KB].
- “Betrayal of Proletarian Dictatorship is the Heart of the Book on ‘Self-Cultivation’”, by the editorial departments of Renmin Ribao and Hongqi, May 8, 1967, 24 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) PDF format [908 KB].
- “Patriotism or National Betrayal? — On the Reactionary Film Inside Story of the Ching Court”, by Chi Pen-yu, 44 pages. Original Chinese version in Hongqi #5, 1967. (Peking: FLP, 1967) PDF format [2,286 KB].
- “Great Victory for Chairman Mao’s Revolutionary Line — Warmly Hail the Birth of Peking Municipal Revolutionary Committee”, including speeches by Chou En-lai, Chiang Ching, Hsieh Fu-chih, Chang Chun-chiao and editorials from Renmin Ribao and Jifangjun Bao, (Peking: FLP, 1967), 60 pages. PDF format [2,626 KB].
- “Commemorating Lu Hsun — Our Forerunner in the Cultural Revolution”, a collection of speeches and articles on the 30th anniversary of the death of Lu Hsun, including speeches by Chen Po-ta, Yao Wen-yuan, Kuo Mo-jo and others, (Peking: FLP, 1967), 68 pages. PDF format [2,669 KB].
- “The Struggle Between the Two Roads in China’s Countryside”, by the editorial departments of Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jifangjun Bao, Nov. 23, 1967, 36 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1968) PDF format [1,517 KB].
- 1968:
- “Take the Road of the Shanghai Machine Tools Plant in Training Technicians from among the Workers — Two Investigation Reports on the Revolution in Education in Colleges of Science and Engineering”, by the editorial departments of Renmin Ribao and Hongqi, 68 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1968) PDF format [1,559 KB].
- “On the Revolutionary ‘Three-in-One’ Combination”, four editorials by Hongqi, Jiefangjun Bao, or Wenhui Bao in the first half of 1967, 48 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1968) PDF format [2,411 KB] Also available in HTML format at:
- “On the Re-Education of Intellectuals”, by Renmin Ribao and Hongqi Commentators, originally in Hongqi, #3, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), small pamphlet format, 20 pages. PDF format [443 KB]
- “Absorb Proletarian Fresh Blood — An Important Question in Party Consolidation”, Hongqi [Red Flag] editorial, #4, Oct. 14, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), small pamphlet format, 34 pages. PDF format [843 KB]
- “The Damning Evidence of Liu Shaoqi”, by the Central Project Review Team, (Shanghai: October 18, 1968), in Chinese, main evidence of betrayal activities in 1925, 1927 and 1929. Includes copies of documentary evidence about Liu Shaoqi after the May 30th Movement in 1925; in Wuhan and Lushan in 1927; and in the Northeast (Manchuria) in the Summer of 1929. 76 pages. (Partially) Searchable PDF format [15,058 KB]
- 1969:
- “Put Mao Tse-tung’s Thought in Command of Everything”, New Year editorial for 1969 by Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Hongqi [Red Flag] and Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily]. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 39 pages. PDF format [725 KB]
- “Grasp Revolution, Promote Production and Win New Victories on the Industrial Front”, Renmin Ribao editorial, Feb. 21, 1969. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 26 pages. PDF format [559 KB]
- “Carry the Great Revolution on the Journalistic Front Through to the End” — Repudiating the Counter-Revolutionary Revisionist Line on Journalism of China’s Khrushchov, by the editorial departments of Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jifangjun Bao. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 74 pages. PDF format [1,926 KB]
- “Hold Aloft the Banner of Unity of the Party’s Ninth Congress and Win Still Greater Victories”, editorial of Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jifangjun Bao, June 9, 1969. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 26 pages. PDF format [565 KB]
- “Fight for the Further Consolidation of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” — In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. Includes speeches by Lin Piao and Chou En-lai, an editorial, and slogans for the celebration. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 54 pages. PDF format [1,314 KB]
- 1970:
- “Usher In the Great 1970’s”, 1970 New Year’s Day editorial of Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jiefangjun Bao. (Peking: FLP, 1970), small pamphlet format, 34 pages. PDF format [671 KB]
- “Take the Road of Integrating with the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers”, on the orientation of the youth movement. (Peking: FLP, 1970), 105 pages. PDF Format [4,667 KB]
- “Communists Should Be the Advanced Elements of the Proletariat” — In Commemoration of the 49th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China. (Peking: FLP, 1970), small pamphlet format, 20 pages. PDF format [366 KB]
- 1971:
- “Outstanding Proletarian Fighters”, about outstanding proletarian revolutionaries arising in all walks of life in China. (Peking: FLP, 1971), 101 pages. PDF format [4,749 KB]
- “To Trumpet Bourgeois Literature and Art is to Restore Capitalism” — A Repudiation of Chou Yang’s Reactionary Fallacy Adulating the ‘Renaissance’, the ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘Critical Realism’ of the Bourgeoisie, by the Shanghai Writing Group for Revolutionary Mass Criticism, (Peking: FLP, 1971), small pamphlet format, 53 pages.
- 1972:
- “Strive to Build a Socialist University of Science and Engineering”, about the Cultural Revolution in education. (Peking: FLP, 1972), 85 pages. In addition to the title article by the Workers’ and PLA Men’s Mao Tsetung Thought Propaganda Team at Tsinghua University, this pamphlet also includes the “Summary of the Forum on the Revolution in Education in Shanghai Colleges of Science and Engineering” convened by Chang Chun-chiao an Yao Wen-yuan in Shanghai, June 2, 1970.
- “Strive for New Victories”, in Celebration of the 23rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, editorial by Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jiefangjun Bao, (Peking: FLP, 1972), 18 pages.
- 1974:
- “A Vicious Motive, Despicable Tricks — A Criticism of M. Antonioni’s Anti-China Film China”, by Renmin Ribao Commentator, Jan. 30, 1974. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 23 pages.
- 1976:
- “A Summary of Views on the Problem of the Inner-Party Bourgeoisie”, the fifth of a five part collection of material for presentation on the subject “How to Understand the Bourgeoisie is Right Inside the Party.” Compiled at the third discussion forum in Beijing. This forum was held from April 6-15, 1976. The material was edited by the Beijing Municipality Party Committee’s Propaganda Group before April 20, 1976, and it was then published by the Beijing People’s Press. This is from a reprint by the Publicity Department of Zhongshan County Committee of the CCP. We understand that this document was only for the purpose of promoting further discussion and study by comrades on the issue of the inner-party bourgeoisie. (July 8, 1976), 14 pages. This document is especially interesting in that it is in part a late period summary of the central aspects of the entire GPCR. It consists of the following six sections:
[Note: So far only the first section is translated into English; we hope to post the entire document in English eventually.]
- “Chairman Mao’s scientific thesis on the emergence of the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party is a significant development of Marxism Leninism.”
- “On how to understand the problem of the bourgeoisie being right inside the Communist Party.”
- “On the question of changes in class relations during the socialist period.”
- “On the root causes of the emergence of the bourgeoisie within the party.”
- “On the characteristics of the bourgeoisie within the party and the contradictory nature of the relationship between the bourgeoisie within the party and the proletariat.”
- “On the question of recognizing and struggling against the bourgeoisie within the party.”
- “社会主义时期的党内资产阶级 (谈谈党内资产阶级)” [“The Bourgeoisie Within the Communist Party in the Socialist Period”], a pamphlet in Chinese by Qin Zhengxian, the writing group of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Finished near the end of September 1976, 48 pages. Prior to the appearance of this pamphlet a large number of seminars on “bourgeois legal rights”, “capitalist roaders” and the “bourgeoisie within the party” were held all over China. Some important arguments (but not all) from these seminars have been compiled into this pamphlet. It should be noted that in some seminars some speakers even mentioned that after the capitalist roaders came to power, China might become a social-imperialist country; this was not the mainstream argument that “capitalist roaders surrendered to the foreign bourgeoisie and betrayed the country.” This pamphlet was once broadcast on the radio, but before the series was finished the capitalist roaders launched a counter-revolutionary coup. (This is quite likely one of the most important pamphlets from the late Cultural Revolution period and we hope to eventually have an English translation of it as well. —Ed.)
Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius:
- “A Few Opinions of Mine”, comments by Mao Zedong, August 31, 1970, 3 pages in Chinese, 5 pages in English (with notes). Directed at the “theory of genius” promoted by Chen Boda and Lin Biao.
- “Confucius — ‘Sage’ of the Reactionary Classes”, by Yang Jung-kuo. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 75 pages. PDF Format [3,129 KB]
- “Ghost of Confucius, Fond Dream of the New Tsars”, 3 commentaries by mass criticism groups and by a Hsinhua correspondent. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 49 pages. PDF Format [2,197 KB]
- “On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique”, by Yao Wen-yuan (1975), 36 pages. PDF Format [1,318 KB].
- [Book:] “Selected Articles Criticizing Lin Piao and Confucius — Volume I”, 9 articles, 221 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1974) PDF Format [9,663 KB].
- [Book:] “Selected Articles Criticizing Lin Piao and Confucius — Volume II”, 11 articles, 239 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1975) PDF Format [10,701 KB].
- “Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius — A Collection of Articles”, 120 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1976) PDF Format [4,314 KB].
- “Great Victory for the Military Line of Chairman Mao Tsetung — A Criticism of Lin Piao’s Bourgeois Military Line in the Liaohsi-Shenyang and Peiping-Tientsin Campaigns”, by Chan Shih-pu, (Peking: FLP, 1976), 124 pages plus 2 large maps. Searchable PDF Format [4,731 KB]
Last Campaign against Deng Xiaoping:
- “总理、邓小平、张春桥副总理 在国务院领导人见面会上的讲话 时间:一九七五年二月一日下午四时至五时十分 地点:人民大会堂东大厅” [“Harbin Small Vehicle Company: Premier [Zhou Enlai], Deng Xiaoping, and Vice-Premier Zhang Chunqiao, Remarks at a Meeting with the State Council”], Compiled Record, February 1, 1975, 4:00 PM, East Wing of the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, 7 page transcript.
- “中发〔1975〕26 号 清华大学关于教育革命大辩论的情况报告 December 10, 1975” [“Report on the Mass Debates on Educational Revolution in Tsinghua University”], CCP Central Committee Document #26, December 10, 1975, 12 pages.
- “《毛主席重要指示》 1976.03.03;中发[1976]4号.” [“Chairman Mao’s Primary Directives: Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Document 4 (1976)”], issued by the General Office of the Central Committee, March 3, 1976, 2 pages. Includes critical comments by Mao of Deng Xiaoping and his associates.
- “毛泽东关于天安门事件性质问题所写的字迹及毛远新和毛泽东谈话的笔记 中共中央批示 1976 -4-7” [“Mao Zedong’s Writing on the Question of the Qualitative Nature of the Tiananmen Incident, and Notes on the Dialogue between Mao Yuanxin and Mao Zedong”], Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, April 7, 1976, 4 pages.
- “中央政治局同志在接见全国计划工作座谈会全体代表时的指示, July 13, 1976” [“Directives from Comrades on the Politburo upon Receiving Representatives for Lectures on National Planning Work”]. Description: As part of his “Consolidation” program (Zhengdun 整顿) in 1975, Deng Xiaoping ordered rebel workers shot to death at several locations, including at the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau. Workers struck back in response. The directive concerning the problem of “sabotaging the production forces with [backwards] relations of production” (生产关系破坏生产力) was put forward by Wang Hongwen in this document. In the same paragraph, Yao Wenyuan clarifies that this is in direct reference to the above calamity, which members of the railway spoke about, caused by the “Right-Deviationist Reversal of Verdicts Trend” whipped up by Deng. This report is 7 pages long.
- “胡耀邦公开支持刘冰两次上书毛泽东” [“Hu Yaobang Twice Openly Assisted Liu Bing Deliver Letters to Mao Zedong”], by Qian Jiang. This is a rightist testament intending to justify Liu Bing’s actions, but in the process documents the complicity and involvement of Deng Xiaoping and his close ally Hu Yaobang in Liu Bing’s attack on Mao’s associates in 1975.
- [More To be added.]
The Coup d’Etat After Mao’s Death and the End of the Cultural Revolution:
- The Coup d’Etat against the Maoist Left Wing of the CCP:
- “Great Historic Victory: In Warm Celebration of Chairman Hua Kuo-feng’s Becoming Leader of the Communist Party of China, and of the Crushing of the Wang-Chang-Chiang-Yao Anti-Party Clique”, 56 pages, (Peking: FLP, 1976). Includes a speech by Wu Teh [Wu De] and several newspaper editorials lauding Hua Kuo-feng [Hua Guofeng] and the arrest of Mao’s closest comrades, the so-called “Gang of Four”.
- “China’s October Coup that Ended the Maoist Era”, by Warren Sun and Frederick Teiwes. (Original source not known to us.), 22 pages. This is an informative discussion of the details of how this coup came about, who organized it, the lies that Hua Guofeng and the other conspirators told, and so forth. Written by two prominent bourgeois Sinologists. PDF Format [273 KB].
- CCP Documents Making Charges against the So-Called ‘Gang of Four’:
- “中共中央关于《王洪文、张春桥、江青、姚文元反党集团罪证(材料之一)》的通知及附件 中共中央通知 1976 -12-10” [“Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Regarding Proof of the Crimes of the Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, Jiang Qing, and Yao Wenyuan Counterrevolutionary Clique”], (First in a Collection), Announcement and Documents, December 10, 1976, 97 pages [page numbers added].
- Condemnations of the Four by Folks Duped by the Reactionaries (and who should have known better, even if they might have had a few small valid criticisms in some cases!):
- “Thoroughly Criticize the ‘Gang of Four’ and Bring About a New Upsurge in the Movement to Build Tachai-Type Counties Throughout the Country — Report at the Second National Conference on Learning from Tachai in Agriculture”, by Chen Yung-kuei [Chen Yonggui], (Peking: FLP, 1977), 54 pages.
- The Kangaroo Trial and Unjust Punishment of the ‘Gang of Four’ and Others:
- [Book:] “A Great Trial in Chinese History”, issued by the victorious capitalist-roaders, (Peking: New World Press, 1981), 260 pages.
- Reversing the GPCR and the Capitalist Road:
- “The Great Leap Backward”, letter by Charles Bettelheim, March 3, 1978, 57 pages. (This is a reconstruction from a version in Microsoft txt format. Originally published in Monthly Review, Vol. 30, #3, July-August 1978.)
- [More to be added.]
Collections of Documents from the GPCR:
- [Book:] “Important Documents on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China”, which consists mostly of speeches by Lin Piao [Lin Biao]. Pocket edition with red plastic cover. (Peking: FLP, 1970), 350 pages.
[Book:] And Mao Makes 5: Mao Tsetung’s last great battle, edited with an Introduction by Raymond Lotta, (Chicago: Banner Press, September 1978), 539 pages. [Because of the very large file size of the entire book, each section and each included article is also being made available here separately.]
- Entire volume in one big file:
- Cover, title page, contents and preface: PDF format [15 pages; 805 KB]
- Introduction: PDF format [50 pages; 3,987 KB]
- Section I: Background to the Struggle: PDF format [51 pages; 3,735 KB]
- Text 1: “Report at the Central Study Class”, by Wang Hung-wen PDF format [19 pages; 1,466 KB]
- Text 2: “The Laws of Class Struggle in the Socialist Period”, by Chi Ping PDF format [7 pages; 516 KB]
- Text 3: “Report to the Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China”, delivered by Chou En-lai PDF format [15 pages; 1,195 KB]
- Text 4: “Report on the Revision of the Party Constitution”, by Wang Hung-wen PDF format [8 pages; 567 KB]
- Section II: Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius:
- Section II Intro: PDF format [2 pages; 127 KB]
- Text 5: “Carry the Struggle to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius Through to the End” PDF format [4 pages; 299 KB]
- Text 6: “Dare to Think and Do” PDF format [2 pages; 90 KB]
- Section III: Fourth People’s Congress and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat Campaign: PDF format [64 pages; 4,650 KB]
- Section III Intro: PDF format [2 pages; 82 KB]
- Text 15: “Report on the Work of the Government”, delivered by Chou En-lai PDF format [9 pages; 696 KB]
- Text 16: “Report on the Revision of the Constitution”, delivered by Chang Chun-chiao
- Section IV: Criticize Water Margin: PDF format [18 pages; 1,142 KB]
- Section IV Intro: PDF format [1 page; 64 KB]
- Text 22: “Unfold Criticism of ‘Water Margin’” PDF format [3 pages; 178 KB]
- Text 23: “Criticism of ‘Water Margin’”, by Chu Fang-ming PDF format [9 pages; 622 KB]
- Text 24: “On Teng Hsiao-ping’s Counter-Revolutionary Offensive in Public Opinion (Excerpts)”, by Hung Hsuan PDF format [4 pages; 289 KB]
- Section V: Criticize Teng and Beat Back the Right Deviationist Wind: PDF format [142 pages; 10,141 KB]
- Section V Intro: PDF format [2 pages; 87 KB]
- Text 25: “Two Poems”, by Mao Tsetung PDF format [2 pages; 62 KB]
- Text 26: “Reversing Correct Verdicts Goes Against the Will of the People” PDF format [4 pages; 273 KB]
- Text 32: “Comments on Teng Hsiao-ping’s Economic Ideas of the Comprador Bourgeoisie”, by Kao Lu and Chang Ko PDF format [8 pages; 570 KB]
- Biographical Material on the Four: PDF format [13 pages; 1,009 KB]
PDF format [13 pages of photographs; 1,645 KB]- Appendicies: Documents from the Right: PDF format [98 pages; 7,070 KB]
- [Book:] “CCP Documents of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: 1966-67”, (Hong Kong: Union Research Institute), 1967 [?], 361 pages. This work included the original Chinese language documents plus the English translations. This version, however, only includes the English translations. PDF format [27,856 KB]
Magazines from China with Issues from the GPCR Period:
- Peking Review/Beijing Review entire issues and individual articles: [This archive now has all of the issues from the GPCR period and all of the issues for the entire 1958-1989 period.]
- China Reconstructs: Index page on
- China Pictorial: Index page on
Contemporary Foreign Commentary about China During the GPCR Period:
- [Book:] The Cultural Revolution at Peking University, by Victor Nee, with Don Layman, (NY: Monthly Review Press, 1969), 98 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,720 KB]
- [Book:] The Chinese Economy, by Jan Deleyne, (1973 [Orig. French version, 1971]), 216 pages. (From the Internet Archive.) Talks about the Chinese economy before, during, and after the initial phase (late 1960s) of the Cultural Revolution. Searchable PDF format [8,708 KB]
- [Book:] Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China: Changes in Management and the Division of Labor, by Charles Bettelheim, (NY: Monthly Review Press, 1974), 136 pages. (From the Internet Archive.) Searchable PDF format [4,528 KB]
- Far East Reporter Pamphlet Series (Maud Russell)
- Anglo-Chinese Educational Institute
- Chinese Policy Study Group (London)
- U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association:
- Miscellaneous Foreign Commentary, articles, pamphlets, etc.
Retrospective MLM Commentary about the GPCR:
- “They Made Revolution Within the Revolution: The Story of China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, by Iris Hunter [Mary Lou Greenberg], (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1986), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,949 KB]
- “Evaluating the Cultural Revolution in China and its Legacy for the Future”, by the MLM Revolutionary Study Group in the U.S. (85 pages, March 2007) What does it mean to embark on, and wage a determined revolutionary struggle to stay on, the socialist road to communism? This comprehensive paper describes the sweep of the Cultural Revolution from 1966-1976; its theoretical foundations; its many achievements in the areas of culture, education, industry, agriculture and the liberation of women; the serious obstacles it faced and its shortcomings in a number of areas; and why future revolutionary movements and socialist states must stand on its shoulders. An extensive bibliography on the Cultural Revolution is included.
- “On the Relationship Between the Working Class and Its Party Under Socialism”, by Fred Engst, February 2015, 37 pages. This very important paper focuses on the question of how revolutionary power can be maintained by the proletariat over the long term, and brings out some important lessons learned from the initial successes and then eventual failure (after Mao’s death) of the Cultural Revolution in China. It criticizes some of the bourgeois ideas that have recently developed in China that multi-party democracy and the “rule of law” are the way to ensure genuine socialism. Instead, it argues that the economic basis for the development of capitalist-roaders can be largely eliminated by abolishing “bureaucratic privileges” for Party members, and that mass organizations of the sort which developed in the Cultural Revolution can be institutionalized to criticize Party members and units in which capitalist-roaders start to develop. PDF Format (487 KB); MS Word Format (302 KB)
- “Different Experiences Working in China in the Mao Era and in America”, by Fred Engst (Yang Heping), a talk given on December 27, 2009, 8 pages.
- “Experiences Working in Guanghua Timber Mill during the Cultural Revolution”, an interview of Fred Engst by Lao Tian, n.d., translated into English, 15 pages. PDF Format (79 KB)
- “The Late Cultural Revolution”, a paper by a long-time American revolutionary, 2016, 47 pages. This paper focuses on the continuing class struggle in China during the 1969-1976 period between Mao and his political allies (on the one hand) and the revisionist forces within the CCP who were determined to reverse the political gains of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. This was first posted on the Mass Proletariat web site, now at, along with the introductory paragraph: “This document was written by a comrade of Mass Proletariat. It provides a comprehensive account of the struggles internal to the dictatorship of the proletariat in China in the late Cultural Revolution and how these struggles were reflected in the foreign policy of the Chinese Communist Party. The questions that lie at the heart of this paper are what political line for developing socialism and what foreign policy are needed to advance the class struggle in socialist countries and on the global scale in order to work towards communism? And, because of the primacy of internal contradictions, how is this foreign policy a reflection of the class struggle in a socialist society?”
[This is the slightly revised version as of Aug. 19, 2018.] PDF Format (362 KB)- “Democracy as a Means Relies on Dictatorship: Commemorating the 200th Birthday of Frederick Engels," by Fred Engst (Yang Heping), (2020), a talk clarifying the nature of the dictatorship of the proletariat and clarifying the nature of "democracy" under bourgeois versus proletarian dictatorships, translated into English, 8 pages. PDF Format (153 KB). For the original Chinese text 《民主是手段,靠的是专政——纪念恩格斯诞辰200周年》see PDF Format (463 KB)
Bourgeois Works on the GPCR:
- [Book:] Die Kultur der Kulturrevolution: Personenkult und politisches Design im China von Mao Zedong, ed. by Helmut Opletal, (Vienna: Museum für Völkerkunde Wien, Sept. 2011), 258 pages, profusely illustrated, with text in German. Searchable PDF Format (Very large file: 64,839 KB); Searchable WinDjView Format (Very large file: 86,380 KB)
Scholarly Commentary on the GPCR (From various, sometimes academic Marxist, political perspectives):
- [Book:] China During the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976: A Selected Bibliography of English Language Works, compiled by Tony H. Chang, (1999), 214 pages. Searchable PDF Format (8,214 KB)
- “The Conclusive Scene: Mao and the Red Guards in July 1968”, by Alessandro Russo, Positions [magazine], Winter 2005, 41 pages. Searchable PDF Format (450 KB)
- “Interpreting the Cultural Revolution Politically”, by Alexander Day, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies vol. 7, no. 4, 2006, 8 pages. Searchable PDF Format (51 KB)
- [Book:] Dynamics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the Countryside: Shaanxi, 1966-1971, by Shinichi Tanagawa, (Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, June 2007), 321 pages. (Some scanned pages a little crooked; our apologies.) Searchable PDF Format (14,482 KB)
- [Book:] The Paris Commune in Shanghai: The Masses, the State, and Dynamics of ‘Continuous Revolution’, by Hongshen Jiang, (Ph.D. Thesis, Duke University, 2010), 637 pages. Searchable PDF Format (1,862 KB)
- [Book:] Reading Revolution: Art and Literacy During China’s Cultural Revolution, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Univ. of Toronto, June-September 2016, Exhibition catalog, by Jennifer Purtle and Elizabeth Ridolfo, 116 pages. Searchable PDF Format (2,765 KB)
- [Book:] “革命造反年代:上海CR运动史稿” [The Age of Revolution and Rebellion: A Historical Draft of the Shanghai Cultural Revolution], by Li Xun, (Hong Kong: Oxford Univ. Press, 2015), Volume 1: 827 pages, Volume 2: 851 pages. Shanghai was in many ways the most important center of the GPCR, and this work is considered to be the most comprehensive history of Shanghai’s Cultural Revolution yet published. Unfortunately, this important work has not yet been translated into English or other languages, and is only available in Chinese. Volume 1: Searchable PDF Format (32,648 KB) Volume 2: Searchable PDF Format (33,534 KB)
- [Book:] The Workers University in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, by Andrea Piazzaroli Longobardi, (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bologna, 2018), 218 pages. Searchable PDF Format (1,709 KB)
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