Suppression of News in Chile and Political
Statements Prevented from Reaching the People
In Chile, as in so many other countries, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class and the poor, is suppressed, or at the very least is not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Chile enjoys a true “democracy” and “a free press” are gross distortions of the real situation. We at will try to help break down this government and media news embargo.
If you know of other suppressed documents and news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Suppression of Ideas in Chile
- [To be added.]
Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile
[This pro-China party was founded in 1966, and for a time played a very positive role both in Chile and internationally. It was led by Jorge Palacios and David Benquis. However, after the death of Mao it lost its bearings and dissolved in internal strife. Some members of this party may have later formed new revolutionary organizations. —Ed.]
- “Basic Principles for the Unity of Marxist-Leninists and for the Line of the International Communist Movement”, a Draft Position Paper for discussion prepared by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile and the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, January 1, 1981, (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1981), 54 pages. This is the English edition; it was also prepared in Spanish and French editions. Searchable PDF format (13,460 KB)
- “Joint Declaration of Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America”, a statement adopted at a meeting of the delegations of the of the leadership of the following Parties in Latin America, September 29-30, 1978:
Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist)
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile
Red Flag Party of Venezuela
English translation published: (Chicago: RCP Publications, April 1979), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format (2,941 KB)- “Open Letter of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile to the Communist Party of China”, November 1977, (Toronto: Norman Bethune Institute, 1978), 52 pages. This is the English translation of the document originally published in Spanish in El Pueblo, the journal of the Central Committee of the RCPC in December 1977.) Searchable PDF format (172 KB)
Other Revolutionary Organizations in Chile
- [To be added.]
U.S. and Other Imperialist Intervention in Chile
- Chile — An Attempt at “Historic Compromise”, the Real Story of the Allende Years, by Jorge Palacios, Translated into English from Spanish. (Chicago: Banner Press, 1979), 517 pages. [This scan from the Internet Archive, has been much improved by a friend of, though it still has a small amount of underlining.] Searchable PDF format (25,521 KB)
- “CIA Machinations in Chile in 1970”, by Kristian C. Gustafson, from Studies in Intelligence, Vol. 47, #3, 2003, unclassified edition, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format (221 KB)
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with any revolutionary or other political parties or organizations in Chile. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any parties in Chile or elsewhere. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Chile and internationally to read the views and publications of all parties and organizations. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site.