Suppression of News in Brazil and
Outrages Against the Workers and Peasants
In Brazil, as in so many other countries, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class, peasants and the poor, is suppressed, or at the very least is not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Brazil enjoys a “democracy” and “a free press” are gross exaggerations of the true situation.
In particular, the huge landowners and landlords who rule the rural areas frequently torture or murder poor peasants who struggle against their oppression, with scarcely a word being said about it either within Brazil or in the international press. We at will try to help break down this news embargo about the horrible crimes that occur there on a regular basis.
If you know of other suppressed news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Partido Comunista do Brasil — Fração Vermelha [Communist Party of Brazil — Red Fraction]
- “Combat Liquidationism and Unite the ICM under Maoism and the People’s War, about the C(M)PA Critique of the Joint Declaration of 1 May 2018”, by the Central Committee, Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction) — P.C.B.(FV), April 25, 2019, 18 pages. Searchable PDF format (215 KB)
- Joint Statement of Nine Organizations in Defense of the Life of Chairman Gonzalo, September 2013, signed by:
Communist Party of Brazil — Red Fraction
Association New Democracy (Peru), Germany
Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia
Maoist Communist Party — France
Maoist Communist Party — Italy
Communist Party of Ecuador — Red Sun
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML)
Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP) Canadá
Long March Towards Communism — Madrid/Spain
English: MS Word format (.docx) (17 KB); Portuguese: MS Word format (.docx) (17 KB); Spanish: MS Word format (.rtf) (46 KB); Italian: MS Word format (.rtf) (41 KB)
Partido Comunista do Brasil [Communist Party of Brazil]
- “Reply to Khrushchov”, resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil, July 27, 1963, (Peking: FLP, 1964), 16 pages. PDF format (1,344 KB)
Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo (Brasil)
[Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights (Brazil)]
- 2016:
- “Viva o dia dos Heróis do Povo Brasileiro!”, by the RFDPR, April 9, 2016, 6 pages. Portuguese: PDF format (256 KB); Portuguese: MS Word format (.rtf) (136 KB)
- 2014:
- To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines on the 45th Anniversary of that Party, letter from the RFDPR, Dec. 26, 2013. English: PDF format (12 KB); English: MS Word format (.rtf) (44 KB); Portuguese: PDF format (127 KB); Portuguese: MS Word format (.docx) (40 KB)
- 2013:
- “Down with Imperialist Aggression against Syria! USA, Hands Off Syria!”, statement by RFDPR, September 2013, 3 pages. English: PDF format (204 KB); English: MS Word (.docx) (21 KB)
- Combative Protests During the Pope’s Visit to Brazil, July 2013, photos and links to short videos, 2 pages. English: PDF format (453 KB); English: MS Word (.docx) (607 KB)
- [Video:] Protests after the murder of Claudia Silva Ferreira, about protests on March 17, 2013, after the murder of this woman worker by military police during an attack on the favela (slum) of Morro da Congonha north of Rio. Link to YouTube video at:
- “Down [with] the Imperialist Allotment in Syria! Long Live the People’s War of the Peoples of All Countries!”, statement by RFDPR, January 2013, 6 pages. English: PDF format (197 KB); English: MS Word (54 KB); Portuguese: PDF format (235 KB); Portuguese: MS Word (.rtf) (173 KB)
- 2012:
- [Poster:] Apoiar a Guerra Popular no Índia [Support the People’s War in India], issued in January 2012 as part of the International Week in Support of the People’s War in India. JPG File (1,389 KB)
- 2011:
- [Poster:] Apoiar a Guerra Popular no Índia [Support the People’s War in India], issued in the spring of 2011 as part of the International Campaign in Support of the People’s War in India. Thousands of copies of this poster were put up in various parts of Brazil. JPG File (981 KB)
- “Down with the imperialist aggression against Libya! Long live the war of resistance of the people of the world!”, by RFDPR, Spring 2011, 5 pages. This is the translation which was posted on Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle on June 6, 2011. English: PDF Version (174 KB); English: MS Word (43 KB)
Carlos Marighella (1911-1969)
Famous Brazilian revolutionary murdered by police on Nov. 4, 1969. He was strongly influenced by Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution, though he favored urban guerrilla warfare instead.
- [Book:] “Carlos Marighella — Textos Escolhidos”, [“Carlos Marighella — Selected Works”], (Brazil: Ediçöes Grupo de Estudos ao Povo Brasileiro (GEAPB), December 2020), 195 pages. Portuguese: Searchable PDF format (22,163 KB); Portuguese: MS Word format (.docx) (272 KB)
- [Book:] “For the Liberation of Brazil”, a collection of revolutionary writings by Carlos Marighela [or Marighella], (Baltimore: Penguin, 1971), 192 pages. English: Searchable PDF format (4,089 KB)
General Revolutionary Documents
- “Carta de Afastamento do Partido Comunista Revolucionário (PCR) + relato sobre violência cometida por pessoas ligadas à direção do PCR/UP e do MLB” [“Removal letter from the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR) + report on violence committed by people linked to direction of the PCR/UP and the MLB”], by Davi Lira, from the blog Bandeira Vermelha (Red Flag), November 2021, 6 pages. Portuguese: PDF format (112 KB)
- [Booklet:] O Revisionismo Albanês de Amazonas e sua Crítica ‘Demolidora’ do Maoísmo, by Albenzio Dias de Carvalho, Núcleo de Estudos do Marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo [], Rio de Janeiro, Julho de 2006. [Arte sobre capa do jornal Movimento, 1976, com desenho original de Elifas Andreato.] Portuguese: PDF format (100 pages; 5,649 KB)
Cebraspo Organization
- “Statement on the Indian State Murder of Azad”, by the Cebraspo organization, July 7, 2010. PDF Version (8 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “URGENT ACTION: Illegal Arrest of LCP [Poor Peasants’ League] Activists in Northern Minas Gerais, Brazil”, by the Cebraspo organization, c. Jan. 30, 2010. PDF Version (68 KB); MS Word (104 KB)
Poor Peasants League
- “Peasants Tortured and Murdered in Rondônia, Brazil”, by the National Commission of the Poor Peasants League, Dec. 10, 2009. PDF Version (145 KB); MS Word (33 KB)
Other Reports and Documents
- [To be added.]