Albania — Banned or Difficult to Find Information about the
Suppression of Ideas in Albania and about its Socialist Era
[Intro to be added.]
Many of the scanned documents on this page have been taken from elsewhere on the Internet, and in particular from the “Left Side of the Road” blog (at; the Marxist Internet Archive (at; the Russian language website; and from a website formerly operated by the “Socialist Truth in Cyprus” group in London (“Kibris’ta Sosyalist Gerçek — Londra Bürosu”). Although we don’t know the political views of this last group, we thank them and our other sources for their extensive scanning efforts.
There are two types of PDF scans below: image scans, which consist of a picture of each page, and processed scans, which use character recognition software to read each page image and then reconstruct those pages in a smaller, easier to read file with sharper text. (However, this process frequently changes the fonts and word spacing, and might introduce a few errors occasionally.)
If you know of other suppressed or hard-to-find documents or news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
The New Capitalist Era in Albania after the Overthrow of Socialism
Realities of the Return of Capitalism and Foreign Imperialist Domination of Albania
- “Capitalist Albania: The Ripoff and the Revolt”, article in the Revolutionary Worker newspaper, published by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, #902 (Vol. 18, #49), April 13, 1997, pages 10-13. Searchable PDF image format [13,331 KB]
Suppression of News and Opinion in Contemporary Capitalist Albania
- “Albania Passes Anti-Slander Law Despite Media Protest Calling It Censorship”, Reuters news report, December 18, 2019, 2 pages. PDF format [27 KB]
- [More to be added.]
The Socialist Era in Albania (1944-1990)
General Works about Albania:
- [Book:] “Albania on the Path to Socialism — 1944-1954”, in Russian, (Tirana: 1954), 113 pages. PDF processed format [13,308 KB]
- [Book:] “20 Years of Socialism in Albania”, (Tirana: 1964), 132 pages. (Very light scan; our apologies. It is somewhat easier to read if the page is enlarged on screen. We will try to obtain a better scan later.) Searchable PDF image format [24,020 KB]
- [Book:] “Answers to Questions about Albania”, a very extensive discussion of all aspects of Albania and Albanian society, (Tirana: 1969), 450 pages. PDF image format [26,681 KB]
- [Book:] “Portrait of Albania”, a general overview, (Tirana: probably late 1981 or 1982), 532 pages. Missing some front pages and possibly a few at the very end. Also, has some underlining and notes; our apologies. Searchable PDF image format [25,450 KB]
- [Book:] “40 Years of Socialist Albania”, a photo album with Albanian and English captions. (Tirana: 1984), 162 pages. PDF processed format [Big: 56,220 KB]
Documents of the Party of Labor of Albania:
- [Book:] “Ten Years of the Albanian Party of Labour”, a photo album with captions in Albanian, Russian and English, (Orbis-Pragë, 1951), 105 pages. PDF processed format [30,451 KB]
- [Book:] “Communist and Workers’ Parties and Marxist-Leninist Groups Greet the Fifth Congress of the party of Labour of Albania”, held in Tirana from November 1-8, 1966. (Tirana: 1966), 212 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,824 KB]
- “Resolution taken by the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania and the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Albania on proclaiming the 1969 year as a jubilar year of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the libertion of the fatherland and of the triumph of the people’s revolution”, January 16, 1969, (Tirana: 1969), 4 pages. PDF image format [997 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the Activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, at the 4th Congress of the PLA, Feb. 13, 1961. (Tirana: 1961), 202 pages. PDF image format [8,629 KB]
- [Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Vol. 1, [chapters 1-2], (Tirana: 1969), 332 pages. [Not yet available in one file, but the two chapters are available separately.] Chapter 1: PDF image format [Large: 41,568 KB]; Chapter 1: PDF image format (smaller file, less sharp text) [10,597 KB];
Chapter 2: PDF image format [Large: 64,124 KB]; Chapter 2: PDF image format (smaller file, less sharp text) [16,247 KB]- [Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Vol. 2, [chapters 3-5], (Tirana: 1970), 312 pages. PDF image format [6,414 KB]
- [Book:] “The Party of Labour of Albania on the Building and the Life of the Party”, a collection of documents from 1941 to 1972, (Tirana: 1974), available in two parts: 154 + 162 pages. Part 1: PDF image format [45,313 KB]; Part 2: PDF image format [50,730 KB]
- “Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor — Summary”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1976. (NY: Gamma, 1976), 32 pages. PDF image format [425 KB]
- “The Constitution of the Party of Labour of Albania”, (Tirana: 1977), 68 pages. PDF image format [1,212 KB]
- [Book:] “In Light of the Ideas of the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, a collection of articles, (Toronto: 1977), 180 pages. PDF image format [3,465 KB]
- “Some Fundamental Questions of the Revolutionary Policy of the Party of Labour of Albania about the Development of the Class Struggle”, by Nexhmije Hoxha, 1977. (Tirana: 1977), 72 pages. PDF image format [13,895 KB]
- “The Museum-House of the Party”, a photo-essay, (Tirana: 1981), 60 pages. PDF processed format [2,820 KB]
- [Book:] “Report Submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1981, (Tirana: 1981), 290 pages. PDF image format [4,875 KB]
- [Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Second Edition, (Tirana: 1982), 637 pages. PDF processed format [2,362 KB]
- [Book:] “Scientific Conference on the Marxist-Leninist Theoretical Thinking of the Party of Labour of Albania and Comrade Enver Hoxha”, October 3-4, 1983. (Tirana: 1984), 288 pages. PDF image format [4,812 KB]
- [Book:] “Report to the 9th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Ramiz Alia, November 3, 1986. (Tirana: 1986), 220 pages. PDF image format [3,495 KB]
Writings of Enver Hoxha:
- Selected Works
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 1”, (Tirana: 1974), 866 pages. PDF processed format [2,589 KB]; PDF image format [37,692 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 2”, (Tirana: 1975), 892 pages. PDF processed format [2,750 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 3”, (Tirana: 1980), 882 pages. PDF processed format [2,587 KB]; PDF image format [27,811 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 4”, (Tirana: 1982), 969 pages. PDF processed format [4,238 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 5”, (Tirana: 1985), 1,058 pages. PDF processed format [4,546 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 6”, (Tirana: 1987), 880 pages. PDF processed format [3,913 KB]
- Other Books and Collections of Hoxha’s Writings
- [Book:] “Speech Delivered at the Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers' Parties in Moscow on November 16, 1960”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1969), 148 pages. PDF image format [1,797 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism”, speeches, reports, letters, radiograms, June-December 1960, pertaining to the Moscow Conference of the 81 Communist and Workers parties, (NY: Gamma, 1976), 317 pages. PDF processed format [2,165 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the Activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, at the 4th Congress of the PLA, Feb. 13, 1961. (Tirana: 1961), 202 pages. PDF image format [8,629 KB]
- [Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Speeches, 1971-1973”, subtitle: “On the Further Revolutionization of the Party and the Whole Life of the Country”, (Tirana: 1974), 416 pages. PDF image format [7,381 KB]
[Book:] “Imperialism and the Revolution”, (Chicago: World View Publications, 1979), reprint of the original English translation from Tirana, 470 pages. (The Albanian language edition first appeared in 1977 or 1978. The second part of this book begins the open attacks by Hoxha on not only the revisionists (capitalist roaders) who seized power in China after Mao’s death, but also on Mao himself and the entire Chinese revolution! There are several documents in the Foreign Criticism section below which condemn the anti-Maoist perspective in this book. —Ed.) Searchable PDF image format [23,991 KB]
- [Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 1, 1962-1972. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 784 pages. PDF processed format [3,163 KB]; PDF image format [18,737 KB]
- [Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 2, 1973-1977. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 814 pages. PDF processed format [3,616 KB]; PDF image format [17,987 KB]
- [Book:] “With Stalin”, Memoirs by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1979), 253 pages. PDF image format [4,792 KB]
- [Book:] “The Khrushchevites”, Memoirs by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1980), 494 pages. PDF image format [10,452 KB]
- [Book:] “EuroCommunism is Anti-Communism”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1980), 300 pages. PDF image format [4,628 KB]
- [Book:] “Report Submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1981, (Tirana: 1981), 290 pages. PDF image format [4,875 KB]
- [Book:] “The Titoites: Historical Notes”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1982), 654 pages. PDF image format [14,795 KB]
- [Book:] “Laying the Foundations of the New Albania: Memoirs and Historical Notes”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/Toronto: 1984), 620 pages. PDF image format [11,239 KB]
- [Book:] “The Superpowers”, by Enver Hoxha, extracts from the Political Diary (1959-1984), (Tirana: 1986), 245 pages. PDF processed format [1,537 KB]
- Individual Speeches and Articles
- Note: A much more complete selection of the separate articles, pamphlets and speeches of Enver Hoxha is available on the “Left Side of the Road” blog and on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Twenty Five Years of Struggles and Victories on the Road to Socialism”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1969), 102 pages. PDF image format [1,701 KB]
- “We Must Firmly Oppose the Reactionary Tactics of the Capitalist and Revisionist Bourgeoisie with our Revolutionary Tactics”, by Enver Hoxha, from a talk with a member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the CP of India (M-L), November 14, 1970, (Tirana/Toronto: 1980), 36 pages. PDF image format [2,226 KB]
- “Our Policy is an Open Policy, the Policy of Proletarian Principles”, by Enver Hoxha, a speech delivered at the meeting with the electors of the Tirana No. 209 precinct, on Oct. 3, 1974, (Tirana: 1974), 82 pages. PDF image format [777 KB]
- “Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor — Summary”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1976. (NY: Gamma, 1976), 32 pages. PDF image format [425 KB]
- [More to be added.]
Writings of Other PLA Leaders:
- Mehmet Shehu:
- “Fiftieth Anniversary of the Albanian Independence”, three speeches, by Haxhi Lleshi, Mehmet Shehu and Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1962), 74 pages. PDF image format [2,210 KB]
- “On the Stand of the People’s Republic of Albania Towards the Warsaw Threaty”, speech by Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, September 12, 1968. (Tirana: 1968), 24 pages. PDF image format [2,571 KB]
- “The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania will be Guided in All its Activity by the Marxist-Leninist General Line of the Party”, speech by Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, November 21, 1970. (Tirana: 1971), 68 pages. PDF image format [8,853 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the Directives of the 6th Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania for the 5th Five-Year Plan (1971-1975) of Economic and Cultural Development of the People’s Republic of Albania”, by Mehmet Shehu, Nov. 4, 1971. (Tirana: 1971), 166 pages. PDF image format [Big: 47,290 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the 6th Five Year Plan — 1976-1980”, by Mehmet Shehu, submitted to the 7th Congress of the PLA, Nov. 4, 1976. (Tirana: 1976), 126 pages. PDF image format [23,552 KB]
- “Socialist Albania Will Never Budge from its Revolutionary Positions”, a speech by Mehmet Shehu on November 29, 1977. (Tirana: 1977), 32 pages. PDF image format [6,064 KB]
- “The Work of Our Men of Renaissance Lives On and Is Honoured in New Albania”, speech by Mehmet Shehu in honour of the memory and work of Naim Frashëri, June 11, 1978. (Tirana: 1978), 24 pages. PDF image format [4,590 KB]
- “Magnificent Balance of Victories in the Course of 35 Years of Socialist Albania”, a speech by Mehmet Shehu on the 35th anniversary of the liberation of the homeland and the triumph of the people’s revolution, Nov. 28, 1979. (Tirana: 1979), 92 pages. PDF image format [13,081 KB]
- Ramiz Alia:
- “Leninism — The Banner of Struggle and Victories”, speech by Ramiz Alia on the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth, April 1970. (Tirana: 1970), 48 pages. PDF image format [9,825 KB]
- “The Albanian League of Prizren — A Brilliant Page of Our History Written in Blood”, speech by Ramiz Alia, June 10, 1978. (Tirana: 1978), 48 pages. PDF image format [12,350 KB]
- “The Revolution — A Question Taken Up For Solution”, by Ramiz Alia, Oct. 2-4, 1978. (Tirana: 1978), 45 pages. PDF image format [5,218 KB]
- “Stalin and His Work — A Banner of Struggle for All Revolutionaries”, by Ramiz Alia, speech on Dec. 20, 1979. (Tirana: 1979), 66 pages. PDF image format [2,739 KB]
- “The Correct Line of the Party — The Source of Our Victories”, speech by Ramiz Alia, Nov. 27, 1984. (Tirana: 1984), 50 pages. PDF image format [554 KB]
- “Enver Hoxha and His Work Live and Will Live For Ever”, speech by Ramiz Alia at a memorial meeting upon the burial of Enver Hoxha, April 15, 1985. (Tirana: 1985), 30 pages. PDF image format [448 KB]
- “Albania Will Always Advance on the Road of Socialism”, speech by Ramiz Alia, August 26, 1985. (Tirana: 1985), 42 pages. PDF image format [551 KB]
- “Enver Hoxha — The Banner of Struggle for Freedom and Socialism”, speech by Ramiz Alia, October 15, 1985. (Tirana: 1985), 26 pages. PDF image format [357 KB]
- [Book:] “Report to the 9th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Ramiz Alia, November 3, 1986. (Tirana: 1986), 220 pages. PDF image format [3,495 KB]
- “The Deepening of the Revolutionisation of the Life of the Party and the Country — A Permanent Task”, speech by Ramiz Alia at the 9th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA, January 22, 1990. Included as pages 45-69 of the Marxist-Leninist Journal of the RCPB-ML, vol. 3, #2 (July 1990), at: Searchable PDF format [6,550 KB]
- “Democratization of Socio-Economic Life Strengthens the Thinking and Action of the People”, speech by Ramiz Alia at the 10th plenum of the CC of the PLA, April 17, 1990. (Tirana: 1990), 60 pages. PDF image format [859 KB] [Also included in the journal mentioned above.]
- [See also the Collapse of Socialism section below.]
Other Political Works:
- [Book:] “The Ideas of Marxism-Leninism Will Triumph on the Revisionism”, a collection of statements and articles in reply to the slanders against Albania by Nikita Khrushchev, (Tirana: 1962), 232 pages. Searchable PDF image format [15,024 KB]
- [Book:] “Some Questions of Socialist Construction in Albania and of the Struggle Against Revisionism”, the National Conference of Social Studies, November 1969, (Tirana: 1971), 235 pages. (Light scan but legible. It is easier to read if the image is enlarged.) Searchable PDF image format [6,695 KB]
- “The Ideas of the October Revolution are Defended and Carried Forward in Struggle Against Modern Revisionism”, a speech on the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution by Hysni Kapo, Nov. 7, 1977. (Tirana: 1977), 52 pages. PDF image format [658 KB]
- “Socialist Albania Will Never Budge from its Revolutionary Positions”, a speech by Mehmet Shehu on November 29, 1977. (Tirana: 1977), 32 pages. PDF image format [6,064 KB]
- [Book:] “Klasikët-e-Marksizëm-Leninizmit [The Classics of Marxism-Leninism]”, an album of photographs of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and of their books, with text in Albanian. (Tirana: 1986), 157 pages. PDF processed format [Big: 62,947 KB]
Albanian History:
- [Book:] “Albanian National Resistance [Rilindja Kombetare Shqiptere]”, a well-illustrated history of Albania in Albanian, Russian, French and English. (Tirana: 1962), 245 pages. PDF processed format [Big: 45,230 KB]
- “Fiftieth Anniversary of the Albanian Independence”, three speeches, by Haxhi Lleshi, Mehmet Shehu and Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1962), 74 pages. PDF image format [2,210 KB]
- [Book:] “The History of Albania (A Brief Survey)”, by Kristo Frasheri, (Tirana: 1964), 349 pages. PDF searchable image format [38,697 KB]
- [Book:] “The National Liberation Struggle of the Albanian People”, a photo album with around 10 pages of introduction in each of these languages: Russian, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. The captions for the many pages of photographs and illustrations are at the end of the book in each of these languages. (Not dated), 185 pages. PDF processed format [Big file: 57,836 KB]; Higher quality version, also in PDF processed format [Bigger file: 76,223 KB]
- “The Albanian League of Prizren — A Brilliant Page of Our History Written in Blood”, speech by Ramiz Alia, June 10, 1978. (Tirana: 1978), 48 pages. PDF image format [12,350 KB]
- “The Work of Our Men of Renaissance Lives On and Is Honoured in New Albania”, speech by Mehmet Shehu in honour of the memory and work of Naim Frashëri, June 11, 1978. (Tirana: 1978), 24 pages. PDF image format [4,590 KB]
- [Book:] “Epopeja e Luftes Antifashiste Nacionalçlirimtare e Popullit Shqiptar: 1939-1944”, a photo album of the Albanian war against fascism, in Albanian. (Tirana: 1980), 252 pages. PDF processed format [Enormous file: 175,623 KB]
- [Book:] “The People’s Revolution and the Question of State Power in Albania”, by Luan Omari, (Tirana: 1986), 234 pages. [With some underlining; our apologies.] PDF image format [3,463 KB]
Albanian Government:
- General:
- “Constitution of the People’s Republic of Albania” (Tirana: 1964), 52 pages. PDF image format [4,819 KB]
- “The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania will be Guided in All its Activity by the Marxist-Leninist General Line of the Party”, speech by Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, November 21, 1970. (Tirana: 1971), 68 pages. PDF image format [8,853 KB]
- “Draft - Constitution of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania” (Tirana: 1976), 48 pages. PDF image format [8,805 KB]
- “Socialist Albania Will Always Remain Loyal to the Great Cause of Socialism and the Revolution”, speech by Adil Çarçani, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the PSRA, (Tirana: 1982), 32 pages. PDF image format [449 KB]
Albania’s Foreign Relations:
- General:
- [Book:] “Marxist-Leninist Ideology Will Certainly Overcome Revisionism”, volume II [volume I not yet available], a large collection of critical articles focusing on Yugoslavia, Khrushchev’s Soviet Union, and other revisionists such as the Italian Communist Party, (Tirana: 1964), 470 pages. PDF image format [23,571 KB]
- “The Budapest Carnivals: The Counter-Revolutionary Budapest Meeting—A New Treacherous Step of the Khrushchovite Revisionists”, two editorials of Zëri i Popullit, February & March 1968, (Tirana: 1968), 78 pages. Searchable PDF image format [1,785 KB]
- “The Working Class in Revisionist Countries Must Take the Field and Re-establish the Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, March 24, 1968, (Tirana: 1968), 44 pages. PDF image format [7,952 KB]
- “On the Stand of the People’s Republic of Albania Towards the Warsaw Threaty”, speech by Mehmet Shehu, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, September 12, 1968. (Tirana: 1968), 24 pages. PDF image format [2,571 KB]
- “Albania’s Foreign Policy”, by Albanian Foreign Minister Nesti Nase, a speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Oct. 2, 1972, 16 pages. PDF image format [253 KB]
- “A Meeting that Sealed Revisionist Betrayal”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, July 9, 1976, about a meeting of revisionist parties in Berlin in June 1976. (Tirana: 1976), 20 pages. PDF image format [2,873 KB]
- “The Albanian People have been and are with the Just Cause of the Peoples”, speech by Nesti Nase, head of the delegation of the PSR of Albania at the UN, Oct. 6, 1977, 28 pages. (Tirana: 1977) PDF image format [4,812 KB]
- “‘Eurocommunism’ or Undisguised Revisionism”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, Dec. 4, 1977, (Tirana: 1977), 28 pages. PDF image format [4,619 KB]
- Britain:
- [Book:] “From the Annals of British Diplomacy”, by Arben Puo, (Tirana: 1981), 236 pages. PDF image format [3,479 KB]
- China:
- [Book:] “Sino-Albanian Relations During the Cold War, 1949-1978: An Albanian Perspective”, by Ylber Marcu, Ph.D. Thesis, Lingnan University (Hong Kong), Sept. 8, 2017, 321 pages. Although written from a bourgeois perspective, the author had access to Albanian internal archives which had not previously been available to scholars. Searchable PDF image format [2,704 KB]
- “Albanian-Chinese Relations 1962-1969”, by Elez Biberaj,, 2020, 40 pages. (Note well! This item is from a bourgeois, generally pro-American imperialist, website.) Searchable PDF image format [796 KB]
- “Mao’s Conversation with Albanian Women and Albanian Film Workers”, May 15, 1964, (Wilson Center Digital Archive), 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [101 KB]
- “The Theory and Practice of the Revolution”, an article in Zëri i Popullit, July 7, 1977, criticizing the “Three Worlds Theory” promoted by the new revisionist leaders of China. (Tirana: 1977), 24 pages. PDF image format [11,759 KB]
- “A New Step in the Struggle Against Opportunism”, an article reprinted in Zëri i Popullit on Nov. 22, 1977, which originally appeared in Portuguese in the newspaper A Classe Operaria, Nr. 119 (Sept.-Oct. 1977), published by the Communist Party of Brazil. Although China and its revisionist leadership is not mentioned by name, this article is also focused on criticizing the “Three Worlds Theory” which they promoted. (Tirana: 1977), 24 pages. PDF image format [2,956 KB]
- “Letter of the CC of the Party of Labour and the Government of Albania to the CC of the Communist Party and the Government of China”, July 29, 1978, (Tirana: 1978), 58 pages. [Also available as a supplement to Albania Today, 1978, #4. See that location below for some critical comments about how this important letter which breaks off fraternal relations with the CCP and China fails to draw any distinction between Mao and the revolutionary socialist period in China with the revisionist regime of capitalist-roaders which came to power after Mao’s death. —Ed.] PDF image format [2,141 KB] [Improved scan]
- [Book:] “Imperialism and the Revolution”, (Chicago: World View Publications, 1979), reprint of the original English translation from Tirana, 470 pages. (The Albanian language edition first appeared in 1977 or 1978. The second part of this book begins the open attacks by Hoxha on not only the revisionists (capitalist roaders) who seized power in China after Mao’s death, but also on Mao himself and the entire Chinese revolution! There are several documents in the Foreign Criticism section below which condemn the anti-Maoist perspective in this book. —Ed.) Searchable PDF image format [23,991 KB]
- [Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 1, 1962-1972. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 784 pages. PDF processed format [3,163 KB]; PDF image format [18,737 KB]
- [Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 2, 1973-1977. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 814 pages. PDF processed format [3,616 KB]; PDF image format [17,987 KB]
- “Chinese Warmongering Policy and Hua Kuo-Feng’s Vist to the Balkans”, editorial of the PLA party newspaper Zëri i popullit, Sept. 3, 1978, 28 pages. PDF format [453 KB]
- “Sino-American Alliance — A Great Threat to the People’s Freedom, Independence and Security”, editorial of the PLA party newspaper Zëri i Popullit, Feb. 9, 1979, 32 pages. PDF image format [746 KB]
- Czechoslovakia:
- “The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Caught in the Grip of Soviet Revisionist Invaders”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, Nov. 19, 1968, (Tirana: 1968), 27 pages. [A very light scan; our apologies. It is easier to read if the image is enlarged.] Searchable PDF image format [3,237 KB]
- “Soviet-U.S. Alliance at Work Against the Czechoslovak People”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, May 23, 1969, (Tirana: 1969), 18 pages. [A very light scan; our apologies. It is easier to read if the image is enlarged.] Searchable PDF image format [2,316 KB]
- France:
- “A Social-Democratic Congress of the French Revisionists”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, Feb. 21, 1976, (Tirana: 1976), 20 pages. PDF image format [3,377 KB]
- Italy:
- “Togliati’s ‘Testament’, the Crisis of Modern Revisionism and the Fight of Marxist-Leninists”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, Nov. 13, 1964, (Tirana: 1964), 95 pages. Searchable PDF image format [2,187 KB]
- Poland:
- [Book:] “The Counter-revolution within the Counter-revolution”, by Spiro Dede, about the events of the years 1980-1983 in Poland, (Tirana: 1983), 305 pages. PDF processed format [1,466 KB]
- Soviet Union:
- “The Soviet Revisionist Clique Moves at a Quick Pace Towards Re-establishment of Capitalism”, two editorials of Zëri i Popullit, (Tirana: 1967), 78 pages. Searchable PDF image format [1,732 KB]
- “Let the Storm of Revolution Burst Out Powerfully”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, May 17, 1968, (Tirana: 1968), 86 pages. Condeming Soviet revisionism. Searchable PDF image format [1,808 KB]
- [Book:] “The Facts About Soviet-Albanian Relations”, (Tirana: 1964), 170 pages. PDF processed format [782 KB]
- “The Soviet Revisionists and Czechoslovakia”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, July 24, 1968, (Tirana: 1968), 36 pages. PDF image format [6,382 KB]
- “The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal Their Traitorous Countenance”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, Jan. 10, 1969, (Tirana: 1969), 54 pages. PDF image format [10,115 KB]
- “Military Pressure — Basis of the Political Dictate and Blackmail of the Soviet Revisionist Leaders”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, April 11, 1969, (Tirana: 1969), 28 pages. PDF image format [4,692 KB]
- “Open Fire on Revisionist Betrayal”, 5 editorials from Zëri i Popullit, (Tirana: 1969), 72 pages. PDF image format [11,902 KB]
- “An Historic Victory of Marxism-Leninism Over Revisionism”, (Tirana: 1971), 64 pages. About the speech by Enver Hoxa and the struggle against revisionism at the meeting of Communist and Workers parties in Moscow in 1960. PDF image format [10,798 KB]
- “The Congress of Capitalist Restoration and Social-Imperialism”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, April 17, 1971, about the 24th Congress of the CPSU, (Tirana: 1971), 40 pages. PDF image format [6,847 KB]
- “The Congress of the Soviet Revisionists — A Congress of Social Imperialist Demagogy and Expansion”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, March 12, 1976, about the 25th Congress of the CPSU, (Tirana: 1971), 28 pages. (Pages scanned at different sizes, but all quite legible.) PDF image format [5,242 KB]
- [Book:] “Soviet Revisionism and the Struggle of the PLA to Unmask It”, a collection of articles. (Tirana: 1981), 212 pages. [Note: This volume also includes a condemnation of China including in the Maoist period. It calls the stands of Mao and the CCP towards Khrushchevite revisionism during the years 1960-1964 “opportunist” and condemns Maoist China for “imperialism” as well as the revisionist and social-imperialist Soviet Union! —Ed.] Entire volume in PDF image format [4,032 KB]
Also available in two separate parts with larger, sharper print, but much bigger files: Part 1: PDF image format [107 pages; 41,521 KB]; Part 2: PDF image format [105 pages; 39,707 KB]- Yugoslavia:
- [Book:] “The Belgrade Revisionist Clique — Renegades from Marxism-Leninism and Agents of Imperialism”, a collection of 13 articles from 1962-1963. (Tirana: 1964), 336 pages. PDF image format [11,665 KB]
- “Who Incites Hostility Amongst the Peoples of Yugoslavia?”, editorial of Zëri i Popullit, April 23, 1981, about the events in Kosova, (Tirana: 1981), 32 pages. PDF image format [562 KB]
- [Book:] “About the Events in Kosava”, articles from Zëri i Popullit from April-July 1981, (Tirana: 1981; reprinted by Albania Report, New York), 186 pages. Searchable PDF image format [5,488 KB]
The Economy in the Socialist Era and Labor Issues:
- [Book:] “Our Friends Ask...”, by Harilla Papajorgji, questions and answers about Albania’s socialist economy and the role of the Party, State, workers and trade unions in that economy. (Tirana: 1970), 196 pages. PDF image format [7,604 KB]
- “Everything For the People”, (Tirana: 1973), 26 pages. PDF image format [549 KB]
- “The 6th Congress of the Albanian Labor Youth Union”, (Tirana: 1973), 118 pages. PDF image format [5,716 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the Directives of the 6th Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania for the 5th Five-Year Plan (1971-1975) of Economic and Cultural Development of the People’s Republic of Albania”, by Mehmet Shehu, Nov. 4, 1971. (Tirana: 1971), 166 pages. PDF image format [Big: 47,290 KB]
- [Book:] “Two Opposing Lines in the World Trade Union Movement”, by Filip Kota. (Tirana: 1974), 188 pages. PDF image format [8,652 KB]
- “A New Victory of the Policy of the Party of Labour of Albania in the Uplift of the General Wellbeing of the People”, about the “Decision of the CC of the PLA and the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Albania on the reduction of higher wages, on some improvements in the wage system of working people and on the further narrowing of differences between country and town.” (Tirana: 1976), 32 pages. PDF image format [5,259 KB]
- [Book:] “Report on the 6th Five Year Plan — 1976-1980”, by Mehmet Shehu, submitted to the 7th Congress of the PLA, Nov. 4, 1976. (Tirana: 1976), 126 pages. PDF image format [23,552 KB]
- “Articles Taken from the Magazine Puna”, published by the Central Council of the Albanian Trade Unions, (Tirana: 1981), 46 pages. PDF image format [1,010 KB]
- [Book:] “The National Conference on Problems of the Development of the Economy in the 7th Five-Year Plan”, (Tirana: 1983), 282 pages. PDF image format [5,665 KB]
- “Report on the 8th Five-Year Plan (1986-1990)”, by Adil Çarçani, (Tirana: 1986), 94 pages. PDF image format [1,713 KB]
Albanian Society and Culture:
- “Culture — People’s Heritage”, (Tirana: 1973), 92 pages. PDF image format [1,862 KB]
- [Book:] “Photo Album”, of Albanian Life. (Tirana: 1977), 177 pages. PDF image format [25,815 KB]
- “On the Lay of the Knights”, by Ismail Kadare, (Tirana: 1979), 44 pages. PDF image format [779 KB]
- [Book:] “A History of Albanian Literature”, by Koço Bihiku, (Tirana: 1980), 260 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,890 KB]
- Lapidari and Revolutionary Art and Sculpture in Socialist Albania The best source by far for this material is Michael Harrison’s “Left Side of the Road” blog. For his own extensive postings and photographs of Albanian socialist art see: and
In addition Michael has posted the three large volumes of the Albanian Lapidar Survey, at:
Women and Women’s Liberation:
- [Book:] “Problems of the Struggle for the Complete Emancipation of Women”, (State University of Tirana: 1973), 286 pages. [Has some underlining and marginal notes; our apologies.] PDF image format [4,387 KB]
- [Book:] “The Albanian Woman — A Great Force of the Revolution”, (Tirana: 1978), 124 pages. PDF image format [2,670 KB]
- “The 9th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania”, (Tirana: 1983), 110 pages. PDF image format [2,119 KB]
Youth and Education:
- “The 6th Congress of the Labour Youth Union”, October 23, 1972, (Tirana: 1973), 116 pages. Searchable PDF image format [3,509 KB]
- “The 7th Congress of the Labour Youth Union of Albania”, September 26-29, 1977, (Tirana: 1978), 96 pages. PDF image format [1,547 KB]
- “The Youth, A Great Force of the Revolution and Socialist Construction”, (Tirana: 1982), 47 pages. PDF processed format [16,837 KB]
The Collapse of Socialism in Albania After the Death of Enver Hoxha:
- “Political Developments in Albania Since the Death of Enver Hoxha”, by the United Communist Party of Albania, c. 2000, 6 pages. [Reprinted in the Indian magazine Revolutionary Democracy (a pro-Hoxha, anti-Maoist publication), April 2001, online at: ] PDF format [83 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [27 KB]
- “The Revisionist Alia & Co. — Enemies of the Albanian People”, English translation of articles from May-July 1991 in the German-language pro-Hoxha magazine Roter Morgen, (November 8th Publishing House, 2021), 69 pages. SearchablePDF format [264 KB]
Albanian Magazines:
- New Albania [1947-1990(?)]
- 1969:
- #6 — November-December, 48 pages. PDF image format [13,125 KB]
- 1970:
- #1 — January-February, 42 pages. PDF image format [10,723 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. PDF image format [20,407 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 40 pages. PDF image format [20,652 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. PDF image format [23,478 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 40 pages. PDF image format [24,748 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 40 pages. PDF image format [26,442 KB]
- 1971:
- #1 — January-February, 40 pages. PDF image format [25,420 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. PDF image format [23,669 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 40 pages. PDF image format [24,269 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. PDF image format [23,721 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 40 pages. PDF image format [13,070 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 40 pages. PDF image format [24,614 KB]
- 1972:
- #1 — January-February, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [5,737 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,717 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,278 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,046 KB]
- 1974:
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,081 KB]
- 1975:
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,815 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,969 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,651 KB]
- 1976:
- #1 — January-February, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,744 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,511 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,497 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,921 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,011 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,647 KB]
- 1977:
- #1 — January-February, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,236 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,990 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,522 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [9,715 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,188 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,035 KB]
- 1978:
- #1 — January-February, 40 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,152 KB]
- Albania Today [1971-1990]
[Subject indexes for all the issues below are available online at: ]
- 1971:
- #1 — November-December, 62 pages. [Note: This was the only issue in 1971.] PDF image format [10,751 KB]
- 1972:
- #1 — January-February, 60 pages. PDF image format [10,070 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 60 pages. PDF image format [13,704 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 76 pages. PDF image format [12,254 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 72 pages. PDF image format [14,945 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 66 pages. PDF image format [Huge: 67,755 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 80 pages, in two separate parts because of the file sizes. Part 1: PDF image format [37 pages; 32,518 KB]; Part 2: PDF image format [43 pages; 38,267 KB]
- 1973: [Note: Several of the issues from 1973 were scanned from a bound volume, under difficult conditions, and tend to have somewhat crooked pages and clipped margins as well as a huge file size. Our apologies.]
- #1 — January-February, 64 pages. PDF image format [Huge file: 55,523 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 60 pages. PDF image format [Huge file: 51,205 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,928 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 64 pages. PDF image format [9,781 KB]
- Supplement: “The Tragic Events in Chile — A Lesson for Revolutionaries the World Over”, 8 pages. PDF image format [760 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 76 pages, in two separate parts because of the file sizes. Part 1: PDF image format [34 pages; 30,256 KB]; Part 2: PDF image format [42 pages; 35,756 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 60 pages. PDF image format [9,131 KB]
- Supplement: “The 80th Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung’s Birthday Celebrated in Albania”, 16 pages. PDF image format [1,981 KB]
- 1974:
- #1 — January-February, 60 pages. PDF image format [10,818 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 52 pages. PDF image format [8,075 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 76 pages. PDF image format [11,394 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,318 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,961 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,920 KB]
- 1975:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,249 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,649 KB]
- #3 — May-June [We do not yet have this issue.]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,548 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,936 KB]
- Supplement: “Time is Working in Favour of the People’s Liberation and the Revolution”, by Nesti Nasi, 8 pages. PDF image format [1,027 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 64 pages. PDF image format [10,162 KB]
- Supplement: “Enver Hoxha: Speech Delivered at the Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers’ Parties in Moscow, Nov. 16, 1960”, 28 pages. PDF image format [4,502 KB]
- 1976:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,273 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 76 pages. PDF image format [12,752 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,239 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,101 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 60 pages. [One of the articles in this copy has a considerable amount of underlining; our apologies.] PDF image format [8,456 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 92 pages. This special issue is devoted to the 7th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania. PDF image format [15,204 KB]
- 1977:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,109 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,486 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 72 pages. PDF image format [9,678 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,469 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,029 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,389 KB]
- 1978:
- #1 — January-February, 72 pages. PDF image format [11,006 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,684 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,344 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 88 pages. PDF image format [14,191 KB]
- Supplement: “Letter of the CC of the Party of Labour and the Government of Albania to the CC of the Communist Party and the Government of China”, July 29, 1978, 20 pages. This important letter quite justly condemns the new revisionist regime in China for breaking off economic and military aid to Albania, but also—with much less justice and appropriateness—outlines the PLA’s long history of differences with the CCP, even during the Mao era. (Whether the PLA is correct with certain of these criticisms may be open to debate, but some of them are outright defamatory, such as the outrageous claim that “With Nixon’s visit [in 1972], China joined the dance of imperialist alliances and rivalries for the redivision of the world, where China, too, would have its own share.”) In this editor’s personal opinion, this document fails to focus on or even recognize the central issue at that time, the qualitative change that had recently occurred in China, from a revolutionary socialist country into a counter-revolutionary regime rapidly restoring capitalism. Dragging up criticisms of earlier differences with China during its genuinely socialist period (even to the extent to which China may have actually been wrong) was entirely inappropriate in this context, and seems to have been for the purpose of presenting Albania as having the only truly Marxist-Leninist revolutionary line all along. This in turn helped lead to a serious split between pro-Albanian and pro-Maoist forces in the world revolutionary movement. —S.H.) PDF image format [2,882 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,556 KB]
- #6 — November-December [We do not yet have this issue.]
- 1979:
- [We do not yet have any of these issues.]
- 1980:
- [We do not yet have any of these issues.]
- 1981:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,658 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,400 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [14,336 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [13,505 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,663 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 60 pages. PDF image format [9,962 KB]
- 1982:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,949 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,278 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [13,349 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [17,443 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,039 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,587 KB]
- 1983:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,613 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [14,673 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [14,391 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [15,480 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [9,335 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 84 pages. PDF image format [12,352 KB]
- 1984:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,263 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [8,455 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [8,544 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,622 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [14,338 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [7,872 KB]
- 1985:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [19,432 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. Memorial issue after the death of Enver Hoxha. PDF image format [15,227 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,125 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,273 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,374 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,116 KB]
- 1986:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [17,023 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [20,903 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [17,210 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [16,940 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,098 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 74 pages. PDF image format [18,510 KB]
- 1987: [We only have this one issue from 1987.]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. [Poor quality scan; our apologies.] PDF image format [5,614 KB]
- 1988:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. [Better scan.] PDF image format [11,915 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [14,946 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [19,484 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [13,058 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,963 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,917 KB]
- 1989:
- #1 — January-February, 68 pages. PDF image format [10,388 KB]
- #2 — March-April, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,221 KB]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,699 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [11,421 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,315 KB]
- #6 — November-December, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,241 KB]
- 1990:
- #1 — January-February. [We do not yet have this issue.]
- #2 — March-April. [We do not yet have this issue.]
- #3 — May-June, 68 pages. PDF image format [12,802 KB]
- #4 — July-August, 68 pages. PDF image format [15,646 KB]
- #5 — September-October, 68 pages. [We believe this was the final issue published.] PDF image format [13,214 KB]
- Information Bulletin, of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania
- 1969 [Vol. XXI]:
- #3, 116 pages. PDF image format [9,320 KB]
- 1970 [Vol. XXII]:
- #2, 100 pages. PDF image format [20,505 KB]
- 1971 [Vol. XXIII]:
- #2, 52 pages. PDF image format [5,730 KB]
Foreign Political Support for Albania (Mostly from after the split with China):
- General Documents:
- “Joint Declaration of the Delegations of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America”, by 7 parties. (Tirana: 1977), 20 pages. PDF image format [2,264 KB]
- “Joint Declaration of the Communist Party of Germany (m-l), the Communist Party of Spain (m-l), the Communist Party of Greece (m-l), the Communist Party of Italy (m-l), and the Portuguese Communist Party (Reconstructed)”, (Tirana: 1977), 36 pages. PDF image format [6,528 KB]
- Britain:
- [Book:] “Pick Axe and Rifle: The Story of the Albanian People”, by William Ash, 1974, 285 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,899 KB]
- “The Albanian Party of Labour on Czechoslovakia”, an Albanian Society pamphlet, n.d. (but probably 1968), 38 pages. Searchable PDF image format [1,700 KB]
- New Albania Society Bulletin:
- Number 1 (1974), 10 pages. PDF image format [696 KB]
- Number 2 (1974), 10 pages. PDF image format [639 KB]
- Number not specified (1975), 10 pages. PDF image format [697 KB]
- Number 10 (1975?), 10 pages. PDF image format [807 KB]
- Albanian Life [Journal of the Albanian Society (Britain)]:
- Albanian Life, #24 (1983), 52 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,524 KB]
- Albanian Life, #25 (1983), 52 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,839 KB]
- Albanian Life, #26 (1983), 45 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,007 KB]
- Albanian Life, #27 (1983), 48 pages. Searchable PDF image format [3,636 KB]
- Albanian Life, #32 (1985, #2), 52 pages. Memorial issue following the death of Enver Hoxha. Searchable PDF image format [3,774 KB]
- Albanian Life, #36 (1986, #3), 52 pages. Searchable PDF image format [1,646 KB]
- Albanian Life, #38 (1987), 51 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,048 KB]
- Albanian Life, #39 (1987), 53 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,034 KB]
- Albanian Life, #40 (1987), 52 pages. Searchable PDF image format [3,911 KB]
- Albanian Life, #42 (1988), 52 pages. Searchable PDF image format [5,283 KB]
- Albanian Life, #43 (1988), 49 pages. Searchable PDF image format [3,559 KB]
- Albanian Life, #45 (1989), 51 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,064 KB]
- Albanian Life, #49 (1990-1991), 54 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,150 KB]
- Canada:
- Communist Party of Canada (ML):
- The Marxist-Leninist, weekly organ of the CC of the Communist Party of Canada (ML), Vol. 15, #32, April 14, 1985, 29 pages. Memorial issue upon the death of Enver Hoxha. PDF processed format [5,259 KB]
- Europe:
- [Book:] Albania Defiant, by Jan Myrdal and Gun Kessle, (NY: Monthly Review, 1976), 250 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,467 KB]
- USA:
- Albania Report Broadsheet (New York):
- 1971:
- Vol. 1, #9 — June-July 1971, 4 pages + 2 page flier. Searchable PDF image format [1,035 KB]
- Vol. 2, #2 — October-November 1971, 4 pages + 2 page flier. Searchable PDF image format [946 KB]
- 1972:
- Vol. 3, #1 — August-September 1972, 4 pages + 2 page flier. Searchable PDF image format [1,046 KB]
- 1973:
- Vol. 3, #3 — December 1972-January 1973, 4 pages. Searchable PDF image format [746 KB]
- Vol. 3, #4 — February-March 1973, 4 pages. Searchable PDF image format [751 KB]
- Vol. 3, #6 — June-July 1973, 4 pages + 2 page flier. Searchable PDF image format [1,001 KB]
- Vol. 4, #1 — August-September 1973, 4 pages + 2 page flier. Searchable PDF image format [985 KB]
- 1976:
- Vol. 6, #3 (Whole #37) — July-Aug.-Sept. 1976 and
Vol. 6, #4 (Whole #38) — Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1976 were replaced by the following pamphlet:
“Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor — Summary”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1976. (NY: Gamma, 1976), 32 pages. PDF image format [425 KB]- 1985:
- Number 63 — September 1985, 4 pages. Searchable PDF image format [656 KB]
- 1988:
- Number 67 — December 1988, 4 pages. Searchable PDF image format [795 KB]
- Other Documents:
- 1984:
- “New Albania: A Small Nation, A Great Contribution!”, by American friends of Albania (5 organizations listed), in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Albania, 1984, 49 double pages. PDF image format [Large file: 38,861 KB]
- 1989:
- “Socialist Albania” journal, issue #2, (Chicago: New Albania Study Group, fall 1989), 38 pages. Searchable PDF image format [3,212 KB]
Foreign Criticism of Albania:
- “Editorial: Enver Hoxha Exposes Opportunism—His Own”, Revolution [theoretical journal of the RCPUSA], Vol. 4, #1, January 1979, 1 page. Searchable PDF image format [180 KB]; Complete magazine online at:"
- “Mao Tsetung Thought vs. Hoxha’s Hollow Hatchetry”, Revolution [theoretical journal of the RCPUSA], Vol. 4, #2-3, February-March 1979, consists of a brief introduction and two articles from China during Maoist period which show that Hoxha’s claims about the political stance of Mao and his genuine followers were false. 5 pages, Searchable PDF image format [1,038 KB]; Complete magazine online at:"
- “Beat Back the Dogmato-Revisionist Attack on Mao Tsetung Thought: Comments on Enver Hoxha’s Imperialism and the Revolution”, by J. Werner, The Communist, #5, May 1979, pp. 1-103, published by the RCP, USA, full issue online at:
- “Enver Hoxha’s Imperialism and the Revolution—An ‘Error’ from Beginning to End”, unsigned article, Revolution [theoretical journal of the RCPUSA], Vol. 4, #9, Sept. 1979, pp. 2-5, 31-45. Individual article in Searchable PDF image format [4,133 KB]; Complete magazine in Searchable PDF image format [10,180 KB]
- “Hoxha Versus Mao Tsetung: Defend Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tsetung Thought”, by the Communist Workers’ League of Germany [KABD], China Today pamphlet series, No. 5, 33 double pages. This is the 1981 English translation of the original German document published in July 1980. The text of this English PDF pamphlet version is somewhat difficult to read; our apologies. PDF format [992 KB]
Same document in more legible form: HTML format [138 KB]- “Enver Hoxha Refuted”, by N. Sanmugathasan, A World to Win, preliminary issue No. 1, May 1981. This is a well-written refutation of Albanian leader Enver Hoxha’s erroneous criticisms of Mao and the Chinese Revolution. HTML format
Academic Commentary on Socialist Albania [Mostly Bourgeois]:
- “Communist Relations in Crisis: The End of Soviet-Albanian Relations, and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1960-1961”, by Ylber Marku, The International History Review, Vol. 42, #4, May 30, 2019, 21 pages. Searchable PDF image format [1,466 KB]
- “Defying De-Stalinization: Albania’s 1956”, by Elidor Mëhilli, Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol 13, #4, Fall 2011. Searchable PDF image format [300 KB]
- “‘Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism’: The Attitude of the Party of Labour of Albania about Western Communism in the Early 1980s”, by Enis Sulstarova, University of Tirana, 2016, 20 pages. Searchable PDF image format [166 KB]
- “1945 — Albania’s International Relations”, a U.S. State Department report by J. E. Jacobs in 1945, (Tirana Observatory, 2019), 34 pages. Searchable PDF image format [561 KB]
- “With the Reds — Captain Tom Stefan and Enver Hoxha”, (Tirana Observatory, a pro-American, bourgeois website), 2021, 14 pages. About a U.S. soldier assigned to liaison with Hoxha in 1944-45. (Text slightly clipped in places; our apologies.) Searchable PDF image format [437 KB]
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with any past or present political parties or movements in Albania, nor in any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any Albanian party nor to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Albania and internationally to read the views and publications of all parties and political organizations. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site.